I don't refer to myself as someone who has seen a lot of films. The truth is, I have barely crossed the threshold. It will take at least half a thousand more to consider that "I have seen enough" - but even that number isn't going to be enough. With how many movies get released each year and the ones from previous decades, it'll never be enough. But right now, I can cross off a few films from my must-watch list. I have heard of Reservoir Dogs (1992) from quite a few people - even some have said that this was their favorite film. After 5 years of hearing about this, I decided to see for myself what the hype was all about.
Reservoir Dogs (1992)

It's one of the earliest directions by Quentin Tarantino and I have seen quite a few of his movies. Unlike so many other directors that I'm finding out about even now, I'm quite familiar with Tarantino's work - not an expert yet. After Kill Bill, Desperado, and Inglourious Basterds, the blood bath didn't phase me. But the question lingers on - why so much blood! That's not the biggest concern at hand at the moment. The movie has a great cast list along with some of the actors I admire. What was most surprising was the character names. It's a movie about the bad guys and even though they had their names, they were given pseudonyms like Mr. Pink and Mr. Blonde for a heist.
The character of Mr. White was a standup bad guy - I didn't know how else to put it. He doesn't mind robbing or shooting cops but he doesn't leave his fellow bad guy behind. As far as bad guys go, he's a good one among them. What was most surprising was Mr. Blonde - he's not blonde though. Six guys all with a rap shit a mile long but among them a psychopath - could anything go wrong? But it did. He's a "shoot first, ask questions later" sort of person. If Mr. White is levelheaded and somewhat ethical, Mr. Blonde is just that much crazy and sadistic with no care about who he shoots at or kills.

It's not often that I feel confused about a film. It's straightforward; either you like them or you don't. But sometimes you're still undecided and it happened to me as well. I understood the film; I'm sure it's a great one but I'd not consider it a film that I find agreeable. This is why I concluded that you can't place every film in a list of likes and dislikes - also you're not going to fall head over heels with every cinematic wonder there is.
Then I thought long and hard because the conclusion didn't satisfy me at all and I have found out why. To me, films, movies, or cinemas, are stories - stories that I can watch and hear the characters speak, relate with them, laugh and cry with them. And that is what I couldn't find here. The plot of this movie is bits and pieces jumbled together. Only flashes of what happened during a shootout are seen and the rest of the film deals with the aftermath of a failed robbery. The story, I mean the screenplay is where it lacks. My disappointment is also that I have heard of this movie so much but I didn't find it that awesome. To me, the hype is all but air.

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