SMILE (2002) --- Creepily Nice! :)

in CineTV3 months ago

A few days ago, I decided to watch some movies on Netflix. I had some unwatched movies on my list, so I chose from there. After scrolling, I finally chose a horror film called SMILE. The reason why I chose it was because the smile of the woman on the thumbnail looked creepy. xD


Another reason why I chose to watch it is the fact that it's a psychological horror. I find psychological horrors fascinating not only because they're scary, but also because they take my mind to many places. I like watching films that make me think.


The story is about Dr. Rose Cotter who's a psychiatrist. She's someone who has experienced a traumatic experience during her childhood. She tried to overcome it and eventually became a psychiatrist. However, all her trauma came haunting her once more when Laura, one of her patients, committed suicide in front of her.


It wasn't the fact that someone died in front of her yet again that disturbed her, but the stories Laura told her before she died that got her. I guess, even someone who tries to think rationally most of the time would think twice.

It's interesting for me because I remember my experience when I was a nursing student assigned to the psychiatric ward in one of the government hospitals in my city. I've met various types of patients be it schizophrenic, bipolar, and so on. One of my patients who was schizophrenic sometimes deviated from reality. One time we were seriously talking about her past and how she's coping and she would suddenly smile at me and look at the window.

When I asked her what she was looking at, she'd tell me that a giant bird was outside the window, but I didn't have to worry because it was her friend. She has told me about this gigantic bird a lot of times and she'd even give me drawings of it, especially during our art therapy.

It's important to acknowledge that their feelings are valid, but it's also our task to bring them back to reality. Therapeutic communication was tricky, but it was fulfilling.

In the movie, prior to Laura's death, she was having an intense paranoia and persecutory delusion. It was so frustrating to watch the main character because she just stood there without doing anything... but then again, it's a movie. hahah In addition, she has her own past trauma that must have been triggered again due to the situation. sigh


Anyway, the build-up of tension in this movie was intense and amazing. The actress really portrayed her character well. She's so into the role that you'd feel her anxiety and all her emotions going all over the place and eating her mind. It was great!

However, the ending was so-so. It's mild compared to the build-up phase. I was expecting a huge eruption that didn't happen. Oh well, there's a second movie, so we'll see. Although the ending wasn't very satisfying for me, I still enjoyed the film. I feel like watching the second movie soon. Though I don't expect too much as its rare for sequels to be better that the first film. haha

All in all, it was good. Though the ending wasn't so satisfying, I see myself watching it again. The tension build-up throughout the film was something I truly enjoyed.

That's it for now. See you next time and have a good one!


That's an interesting movie, its not my thing though. I feel like masstress ako pag pinanood ko to haha.

Hahaha... It was fun, though... 😓😂

I never thought you'd be into watching horror,woah!😂
I've heard about it and I might just see it

Psychological horror and thriller are my fave genre when it comes to movies. ✨😁😂

Smile is definitely one of the better horror movies I have seen in recent years!

It's way better than the previous one I watched called M3GAN. hahaha

Oh mannnnn I saw that one as well. Definitely was one of a kind hahaha.

Hahaha... any other interesting horror films you've watched recently? I could use a recommendation. :D

Hmmm none recently unfortunately. I used to watch a ton of horror with my mom growing up, and so I took a bit of a break from the genre. One older horror film I haven't seen in awhile is probably 'Vacancy' from 2007. It may not be as scary these days, but watching it as a boy it really gave me the creeps. For some reason it has stuck in my mind to this day. House of Wax, and The Strangers are also intense! These are fairly known horror flicks but still, they're pretty solid and good for a blast from the past. Amityville Horror also comes to mind. You're making me want to go through some classics myself! 😃

I haven't watched any of those!!! I've only heard of House of Wax... I hope more classic horror films are available on Netflix. T_T Have you watched any Mike Flanagan mini-series? They're among my favorites! :)
Ouija: Origin of Evil was also creepy....

Well I'm glad to have mentioned some films that are new to you! I haven't heard of Mike Flanagan, I'll have to give it a shot someday. Ouija sounds very creepy as I was always told to never ever mess with a Ouija Board. I appreciate you for sharing some of your own favorites!