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RE: Carnival Row (season 1)

in CineTV3 years ago

If @florenceboens wishes to have her work read in English and French, she can include a translation in the original post, or do a second post with the rewards declined. Nothing wrong with being read by both, but there is something wrong with double dipping, especially in such an underhanded manner. And no, I will not remove my downvote.


ok understood ...
I wish you good luck and tons of courage, cause you have MANY downvotes to set to all those big fishes translating en/es fr/en ETC ...

Until you came no one thought it was abnormal.

Worse, sometimes people downvoted because they saw two languages in one post, as they were troubled and did not appreciate that ...

People should start thinking in an open manner, instead of downvoting what they and only they think is unfair. Just because one cannot please everyone but still diserve their rewards ...

It's not as if her posts were taking hundreds of hive, right?

underhanded manner

Just translated underhanded manner, which means : sournoisement .

Nothing is underhanded here, keep your judgment for yourself, please.
Not understanding something does not mean it's bad !

What would you call creating a secondary account to recycle content, in an attempt to get rewarded again for the same content? I stand by my assessment of underhanded.

And in regards to -

It's not as if her posts were taking hundreds of hive, right?

Stealing a penny isn't any less wrong than stealing a dollar.

it' s not stealing, stop abusive judgment, will you ?!

And if you know the definition of blog, then you know it's usually towards a group of people, creating another account for another language is thus logic as it points to another group of people.

As usual, you downvote and remove people's rewards just because you think you know better than the others, usual case with downvoters... And you're also easy to judge, even if you don't not look at every aspects before doing so...

Bye for now.
As even by giving you arguments it's like talking to a wall that will never change its mind ...