
guy already watching it

Oh wow lol.

after waiting for 3yrs and now he stuff isn't stuffing, that is really bad and that was how the ex really came in

I felt his pain but I didn't like how his wife handled it. It was a test of her faith and all of a sudden she forgot her bible studies lol.

I didn't blame her in that aspect though, she was new to it and it will be high for her at that period so she won't handle it well. Also there is something, there is different between loving someone and also getting attracted to the person, as a cassanova, he was use to girls but somehow he wasn't seeing that vibes in his wife (seeing her as jjc). there was a point his stuff pimped up when he saw another lady after taking his wife to a date, he wasn't just attracted to his wife

😂😂I remember the scene. When that happened I was literally shy on his behalf. But but at that moment I supported his wife though.