make jam pineapple cake for Eid

in whalepower5 years ago

because tomorrow Lebaran, me and my family make pineapple cake. many cakes we made. there is a jam pineapple cake, fried cucumber nuts, and an onion chip cake. while for other cakes we buy at the market.


now I'm displaying a pineapple jam cake ready to be put into the oven. The beginning is flour that has been mixed with eggs. after stirring evenly, the flour is put into a plastic to be ground to thin. after thin we bet a little pineapple on it. then rolled. the making is quite simple. and the cost to make a pineapple jam cake isn't much.



in 2 kg of cakes, you only spend as much as $ 4. Try to do at home to prepare for tomorrow on Eid.