All about Gas welding in industries

in Education5 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone i hope you all are fine and safe from the coronavirus outbreak. Today i will tell you about the welding in th industries which is used to join the metal peices.

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what is welding

Welding is the process of joining two metal or non metal pieces of work by firstly heating them to the semi solid state . When we heat metals they come into the semi solid state and after solidification both the metals gets connected with one another. If there is a gap between the metal pieces we use filler material which fills the gap between the metal pieces. Welding joint is a permanent joint that means when we needs to break the joint between these two metal peices we have to break these two pieces completely with hammer or appling pressure with machines. When we disengage welding joint our metal pieces gets destroyed and we are not able to use them after braking. Welding joint provides a high strength to the joint than other processes like pin joints. We can joint large number of metal pieces with the process of welding.

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some terms related to welding

  1. weldability: weldability is the character of the matels which indicates with what ease these metals gets joined by the process of welding are they easy to weld or difficult to join.

  2. Homogeneous and heterogeneous welding: you can understand from the name that Homogeneous welding is the process of welding in which we weld two similar metals for example the two pieces of steel , in heterogeneous welding we weld to dissimilar metals example we weld iron with the steel these joints are difficult to join and are less strong.

  3. Base metal and filler metal: Base metal is the pieces of metal upon which we have to do welding or which we have to join , filler material is the material which fills the gap between these two pieces.


We know that in welding our main focus is to convert the metals into the semi solid state that is generated by applying heat to the work pieces. In gas welding as the name indicates we use gas for making flame and then apply it on the workpieces . In gas welding the combustion of gas causes heat to the metals. The gas used in the gas welding acetylene because acetylene can generate a lot of heat also we know for combustion we needs oxygen, the acetylene can produce heat up to three thousand degree Celsius.

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Main components in gas welding
Gas welding is an old method of welding thus it has only few essential components.

a) oxygen cylinder in which oxygen is filled .

b) Acetylene cylinder in which acetylene gas is filled.

C) Two pipes for making the passage of gases into the combustion chamber.

D) combustion chamber in which combustion of gas occurs and produces a high temperature flame.

How gas welding works

Working of gas welding is vary simple firstly the gas for the cylinders come through the pipes to the combustion chamber. The supply of gas is controlled by the regulator, when we change the supply of gases the temperature of the flame gets also changed. When we need small temperature we just produces flame have less temperature. When these gases reached the combustion chamber, these gases gets burnt by the spark . After combustion they produces flame through the nose of the combustion chamber. This falme is strikes the metal pieces and makes them into semi solid state, after solidification our weld joint is ready for use.

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Computers and software have brought about moderation in welding and designing. Most of the designs are thanks to the welder beast that shares awesome techniques and ways to design such an architect. You can learn from such a forum to improve your skills as well.