We must be careful what we put in our bodies and things like alcohol and drugs are very bad for you and can cause a lot of damage and you can also become addicted.
Unfortunately there are a lot of types of drugs and they all have different effects on your body, not one of them good. Once you are addicted, it is very hard to stop using it.
Drugs is bad for your body and brain, but it will also influence the relationship you have with your friend and also your family. Some people get so desparate that they will steal money or goods from their loved ones to sell in order to buy drugs.
It is very difficult to stop using drugs, and once you are addicted you will have to get medical and professional help.
Drugs are not only substances that we cannot buy legally. You can also get addicted to alcohol and sigarettes and even pills that you can buy over the counter and the pharmacy.
Drugs like heroin and cocaine are considered 'hard drugs' and are illegal.
Any type of drug that you use can have an effect on your body and the more you use it, the more addicted you will become. Some drugs will make you addicted after using it once and it will be difficult for you to stop.
The drugs that we may buy are called 'recreational drugs' and these are things like alcohol. cigarettes and even coffee. It does not mean that because it is legal it does not have a negative influence on your body and brain.
These 'recreational drugs' can be either 'depressants' or 'stimulants' If a drug is a depressant like for instance alcohol, it means it will slow down the signal to your brain. The more you drink, the slower it will get.
It will also give you a happy feeling and it is that feeling that drug addicts keep chasing.
A depressant will also slow down the motion of your muscles and can even cause hallucinations or make your eyesight blurry.
If you keep on using these depressants for a long time and in large amounts, it will not only slow your brain but can damage it on the long run as well as your heart and liver. It can even 'lower your inhibitions' which means you do not care what you do and you can get into serious trouble because of that.
The other group are the stimulants and they have an opposite effect as the depressants. These are things like coffee and caffeine and cigarettes.
You will feel more energetic but unfortunately it will not last for a long time and if you use to much of it, it can also damage your organs like your liver, heart and lungs.
Drug addicts that inject themselves with illegal drugs can use dirty needles which can carry HIV and spread it and they can also land in dangerous situations since they do not care where they get their drugs.
Medicine is prescribed by doctors to make us feel better, but unfortunately some people will misus in and use large amounts, get addicted and harm their bodies.
No matter how you look at is, drugs are bad for you and before you get in trouble and hooked on it, JUST SAY NO!!!!
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