How to study efficient

in Education3 years ago

In the same way that you learn to do things like riding a bike or baking a cake or playing sports, you can also learn how to study more effectively.

If you know how to study, you will not only remember things better for a test, you will also spend less time doing it.  Lets look at a few tips to help you.

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Listen in class 

A lot of us do not really give attention in class when the teacher is explaining the work.  We tend to daydream or go on with our own stuff.  Once we are out of class we forget about everything and we only look at the work again when we have to study it.  If you listen to your teacher and make sure you understand the work, it will 'ring a bell' again when you study it.  It will not be as if you see the work for the first time.

Listening in class will benefit you, because once you study it, it is the second time your brain encounters the work and you will be able to remember it easier.

Another advantage of listening in the class is to know immediately if you do not understand the work and ask for help.

The better notes you take, the easier you will study

Make sure that if your teacher is talking your are taking notes.  Write down the important stuff that you need to remember, make sure you get all the questions and ask if you fall behind.

Write in an legible handwriting and if you get home after school, look at your notes again and re-write or add things where necessary.

You can also use your text book to read through the work again and make sure you have a complete summary in your notes.


Do not wait until the last minute

Make sure you plan in advance - do not wait until the last minute to start studying.  This will only put more pressure on you and you will stress.  The more you stress, the less you will be able to concentrate.

Use a diary or a planner and make notes on when you have a test or project due.  Start learning or gathering information before the time and then you and then you can just go through everything again the night before.

If you are prepared you will stay up to date and not stress yourself out.

Break it up

Looking at all the work you have to complete or study at once can be very overwhelming.  It is better to take one thing at a time and then move on to the next once you are done.

Taking things slowly and step by step and breaking it down into smaller parts, will create the idea for your brain that it is doable and you will not get freaked out about the amount of work you need to complete.

It is also a good idea to go through the work you did in class that day, the evening when you get home.  Then it is still fresh in your memory and you can make sure you understand it all.

Do not try and study for hours on end, you will not be able to concentrate the whole time.  Give yourself a limited time that you need to focus and then take breaks in between to give yourself and your brain a chance to rest, before you continue again.

Do not just sit in a corner, ask for help

If you are going through your work, being it to complete homework or study for a test, it is very important that you understand the work.  If you are just going to leave it and not ask questions, you will be left behind and everything will feel more overwhelming and confusing.

Make sure you ask your teacher in class if there is something you do not understand.  If you are too shy to do it in class, go to the teacher after class, but do not just sit there pretending you understand.... you are just putting yourself at a disadvantage.


Thank you for these tips. This is very useful especially for a student like me who has troubles studying in this online environment.

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