Lets learn about cats - Info for little ones

in Education2 years ago (edited)

Listen to that sound... What is it. It is a purr. THe sound a cat makes. Lovely floof ball. Lets find out more about cats.

image source

Some people are allergic to cats and some people do not like cats and say they are a 'dog person'. That is fine, but many people say 'once you are owned by a cat, you will never be the same again.

A cat will sleep most of the day (more than 14 hours) but they can be very active at night and also playful as kittens. Some older cats will still enjoy playing every now and then.

  • Do you have a cat? Describe your cat and say what he/she is like and what you love about your cat.
  • If you do not have a cat, would you like to have one and say why or why not.

A cat's body is very flexible, and it is easy for them to bend in different positions, sleep in strange ways and run very fast so that they are excellent hunters. Some cats will hunt mice, rats and birds.


Read the following and see if you can remember it

  • group of cats = clowder
  • female cat = queen (and they also act like that hahaha)or molly
  • male cat = tom cat
  • baby cat = kitten

Cats come in different shapes and sizes. Cats usually weighs 4-5kg but can be heavier depending on the type of breed, but the heaviest cat ever recorded (and this is a 'domestic' cat not a lion or something) weight more than 21kg

Cats can smell and hear very well and their eyesight at night is 6 times better than that of a human, which mean it is no problem for them to be nocturnal - be active at night time.

Older cats can get a bit 'grumpy' and they will fight with kittens just to show them who is boss and cats will also fight over territory. A cat does not like it if a strange cat comes into his yard. Some cats do not have a problem with this.

It is very important that if we keep cats or dogs as pets, that we neuter or spade them, so that they can not have babies - there are too many animals in this world who are not cared for. Unfortunately not all people are good to animals.

You do not need to bath you cat, because they clean themselves by liking their fur.

A cat will live for 12-15 years but there are cats that has lived for much longer.

  • What other cats do you know except domestic cats?
  • Choose any breed of cat and find out more on how you look after them, what they like, how their personalities are etc - it can be a domestic breed or a wild cat