The act of playing is fundamental for the integral development of children. By @carlenis

in Education3 years ago



Through playful activities they experience the world, organize their emotions, develop their autonomy, build their social relationships and their own identities, hence the importance of play.

The game is such a significant element in childhood that it is called "the child's language".

In other words, they not only help in the acquisition of numerous skills, but also inform about feelings and needs that, many times, the little ones do not yet know or cannot express.

How important is play for children?

Playful activities have a much greater and deeper importance than a mere recreational moment or a way to pass the time. They have a direct impact on child development, in all its aspects.

The little ones, when they are playing, learn about the world around them and about themselves. This means that they are acquiring physical, cognitive and socio-emotional skills.

Among the many benefits it provides to children, the act of playing promotes autonomy, creativity, self-regulation, communication, concentration, reasoning, motor development and the construction of healthy relationships.

What is play?

The act of playing is related to activities that seek to translate imaginative elements into the concrete world and vice versa. In other words, when a child plays, he is able to conduct his actions according to his own interests and needs, respecting criteria of time, limits, rules and organization.

The game is understood as the child's language par excellence, since it is through it that children come into contact with the world, give meaning to their own experiences, regulate their emotions and behaviors, verbalize their demands and build their personality.

It is worth emphasizing that recreational activities do not refer to exposure to screens (computers, cell phones, tablets, etc.) and have nothing to do with the purposes of a competition. Play is an authentic, voluntary and unpretentious exploration, that is, devoid of judgment.

How can parents participate in the games?

Playing with children is a good thing for everyone in the family. In addition to the skills acquired, the shared playful moment strengthens affective ties.



Thus, it is up to the parents both to offer the child the opportunity to play alone, freely, in an undirected way, and to propose joint games, based on improvisation, simplicity and, above all, pure creativity (after all). after all, everything can become a game).

Remember that through play, little ones find a way to express their feelings and needs. It is essential to assume a position of acceptance, respect, dialogue and understanding. Touch, social interaction and spontaneity should also be encouraged.

The more the child plays, the more he develops. Gambling cannot have its value reduced to the quality of a pastime or seen as insignificant acts. They are the main source of learning for the little ones regarding everything around them and themselves.

It is equally important to inform about the need to moderate the use of technological equipment, since they limit the child's exploration of the world. In addition, excessive exposure to screens can cause physical, cognitive and emotional health disorders, especially in early childhood.
