Celebrating Teacher's Day In School

in Education4 months ago (edited)

Classroom Celebration

The following day, after celebrating Teachers Day at the municipality level, there were also celebrations at the school level. In the morning my class advisory initiated an activity that surprised me. They prepared gulaman and other snacks. Prepared cards with messages and decorated our room. They also prepared flowers and gifts like like chocolate, candies, and other food items. Even if their preparations were simple yet, I was touched by what they did. They exerted their efforts, time, and money for the preparation to show their love and care to me as their class adviser.






Get Together Lunch

In the afternoon, we had lunch sponsored by our PTA. We're glad our PTA organized a teacher's day celebration and that we started having lunch together. There was a lot of food prepared, so we enjoyed having our lunch, and everyone had a full stomach.






Games and awarding

After our lunch, we proceeded to the covered court to have our awarding and games. It was our SLG who initiated the title the every teacher. I got a consistent leaders award. Teachers were very happy with their awards received and they were surprised by it.

After the awarding were the games. The games played were water relay and breaking the egg. Then after the games were they given simple gifts from the PTA as their token of appreciation. I received scented candles and fashion earrings. After the games was the Zumba dance competition. After the Zumba dance was the awarding of the top five Zumba King and Queen. Luckily the winners were coming from the secondary department.
We're very thankful to our school PTA officers and SLG Officers for organizing the said event. Even if the celebration was very simple we the teachers were very happy to recognize our efforts as teachers.






That's all for now Thank you and God Bless!!.


The pupils are so happy

yes ...I also gave them some biscuits for snacks....Well,Thank you for dropping!!

You are welcome dear friend