You know, taking the bike should be one of many options at many times, and other times it is the most sensible thing to do. And the most serious people studying at the highest level in different societies are making the studies as a lifestyle, and hence we can learn in all life with all the different things that we see and appreciate!
The bicycle helmet can save your life, and seldom but it still happens, it is the difference between being in life or being dead. And therefore, we should be careful enough when making the choices as we do, and we should question all questions that people have, and that is not exposed to the best environments with what to do and not to do. And the ski jumpers are using helmet on their heads to protect the body if you are falling or getting a turnaround, and the helmet can save your life, if things are really going bad, and the earlier Norwegian ski jumper Per Bergerud experienced this in a ski hill, but he came back to the normal situation, and he won several medals in his nice ski jumping career.
Then in 1975, Bell Auto parts invented the first real helmet for cyclists. It consisted of a hard plastic shell padded with a foam-like material. This was the beginning of the modern helmet. In 1984, The American National Standards Institute introduced standards for helmets that were widely accepted.
We cannot agree in every choices that are made different places and the same places, since much is dependent on what we know, and how we are thinking and feeling and acting with the intelligence that we have in our minds. And we define our lives ourselves, and we should have enough protection when being cycling, and the bicycle helmet is a must on our head, and the reason is that we should protect he human mind and the intelligence from being destroyed, and we should make protests if we do not agree in different statements, and we are operating ourselves in life, and people must be responsible for the things they are doing in business life, and at the highest level and in the longest studies at NHH in Bergen, we know much about the nature of the firms, and Ronald H. Coase also received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1991. And it was well deserved, and many people cannot explain all the things we are learning in Bergen, but the employees there have the talents and the knowledges for gaining the Nobel Prize in Economics, and professor Finn Kydland has shown us the way. And people are laughing about perception and myths and stories in the business life, because you need enough theories, methods and data to take care of things, and in such manners the messages are just something we are giving and taking, and we should be aware of our background at all levels, and what this implies for the positions in the departments, the organizations, the schools and the research institutions.
You know, any possibility in the business life and in the markets is dependent on what you know, and where you have taken all the exams, and these can be the best results that are possible, and the life we are managing ourselves, and vi also have many management courses in Bergen at NHH.
Why are we using the bicycle helmet as we really do in different situations where we mainly are cycling? A bicycle helmet is a type of helmet designed to attenuate impacts to the head of a cyclist in falls while minimizing side effects such as interference with peripheral vision.You know, the heart and the brain need enough protection, and that is also the situation at the working places, but we must react when opinions should mean more than courses at the highest level, because we have purposes with the schools.
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Sverre Larsen
Kristiansand, Norway
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