Math Courses Can Get Difficult Out Of Nowhere

in Education4 days ago

Hi there. In this education post I would like to feature how math courses can get difficult out of nowhere. It is well known that math is a difficult subject for many. There is a lot of memorization, arithmetic, calculation and rules to follow. It is also a subject that you cannot cram the night before a test. Cramming may work in the short term but not in the long term.

The motivation behind this post is based on a student I work with. She is a very good math student but she tells me how her math teacher makes the topics and tests difficult.

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Difficult Topics Later In The Math Course

Math topics typically build upon each other. The later topics require knowledge from previous topics and years. One can look at math as a language. There are times when the later topics in math are actually difficult in nature. These difficult topics could have

  • more calculations
  • more problem solving
  • confusing symbols
  • more algebra
  • or mastery of previous topics


Those who practice and master prerequisite skills should have an easier time in learning the later tougher topics (in theory). Students who struggle with previous topics are likely not able to learn the later topics as their foundational skills is not up to par.


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Sometimes Math Teachers Make The Course Harder Than Normal

I do think that some math teachers make their math course harder than normal. Normal as in following the curriculum set by local governments and having not too many unfair and intense questions. There are math teachers and even teachers in general that make their tests difficult in order to put pressure on students, check who really understands stuff and/or wants to demoralize students.

There is also the case where a teacher also teaches a higher grade level or the advanced placement version of the same math course. The normal version of the course may not be much different than the advanced placement version in terms of topics and tests. The teachers here may be unfortunately out of touch.

Students who do survive or even thrive in a difficult course will find normal or easier courses so much easier. There are times when people develop skills and good mindsets under pressure. A 85% grade in a difficult course can feel more satisfying than a 98% in an easy course.


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Thank you for reading.