Notes On School Strikes

in Educationlast year

Hi there. I wanted to make a short education post on school strikes.

The motivation behind this post is based on my side tutoring gig work. My second year student taking Introductory Statistics has her university being on a school strike. I do not know the details about the strike. Maybe the striking staff want higher wages to keep up with inflation and/or they want better working conditions. Not sure. All I know is that her classes are cancelled until further notice. As her classes are cancelled she does not tutoring services from me for the time being.

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Impact Of School Strikes

School strikes involve class cancellations for students and teachers while the strikes are going on. For the students it is unknown when classes would resume again. The time off for students can be spent on reviewing classroom material and/or even vacation.

When classes do resume it is uncertain on how school schedule would be adjusted. There is most likely time loss when school strikes are involved. Would the classes be taught faster and end at the normal scheduled time? Would the semester end later than scheduled and cut into the summer break? Could the course be condensed where some topics are left out? How would the final exam schedule be impacted?

In my young years my local elementary school did have a school strike. I remember not having school and having to learn on my own in grade 1 or 2. I cannot imagine going through a school strike in my late teens or early twenties.


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Thank you for reading.