Educate without screaming, educate from the heart.

in Education5 years ago

Educating without screaming is the best option that we can consider as parents and educators. Screaming is neither pedagogical nor healthy for the child's brain, to the extent that solving something is achieved with it is to activate two types of emotional responses: fear and / or anger. Therefore, let us learn to educate, discipline from the heart, empathy and responsibility.


Those who are parents or who work every day in the world of education and teaching, have been tempted on several occasions to raise their voices, sometimes to stop such disturbing or challenging behavior, a feeling that challenges all our patience. We cannot deny it, there are many moments like this, there are moments when fatigue combines with the stress and stress of our despair.

Screaming does not educate


Giving, shouting, is something that many people do. In fact, there are those who confirm that yelling is useful. Now make no mistake, for those who choose to educate with screaming, they may have adopted it when they were children. Now, as adults, they cannot use other tools, more useful and respectful alternatives, but screaming.

Educating without screaming is not only possible, it is necessary. Discipline, correct, guide, and teach without speaking has a positive effect on children's personality development. It is an effective way to keep your emotional world under control, maintain your self-esteem, set an example and let them see that there is another type of communication, which is not painful, that knows how to understand and relate to real needs.

Effects on the brain of children.


Something that as parents and educators we will see more than once is that sometimes we lack resources, strategies and alternatives. We know that yelling is useless and that you will not get the results you expect. What we have is that in the eyes of children there is the brightness of fear, the anger that it contains. Therefore, we need to learn enough keys to educate without screaming, to form a positive education that can intelligently solve the type of situation.

Therefore, the first aspect that we are not aware of is the effect they have on the human brain and on the development of its own neurology. Our alarm system activates and releases cortisol, a stress hormone that aims to establish the physical and biological conditions necessary to escape or fight.

In this way, children living in an environment where the use and abuse of screaming are used as educational strategies will experience very specific neurological changes.

The hippocampus, a brain structure related to emotion and memory, will be smaller in size. Furthermore, the corpus callosum, a unifying point between the two hemispheres, receives less blood flow, which affects its emotional balance, attention span, and other cognitive processes.

Screaming is a form of abuse, invisible weapons that cannot be touched, but can only destroy children's brains. The excessive and prolonged release of cortisol is added to the child in a state of constant stress and anxiety, in a state of sadness that nobody deserves and that nobody should experience.

The mind does not properly process the information transmitted through messages transmitted in high pitches. Therefore, everything said between tears is useless.

"Every scream creates excitement, and in general, what arises is anger and the need to escape. So, far from solving things, we make it worse."


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I see reasons why Education is key to success and it begins from your home. So in what ever you do try to impart knowledge