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List Building is Simple
We tend to overcomplicate things that we do not fully understand. It is part of our human condition. This is why it is important to be able to explain your business to anyone in just a few short sentences. I have been accused of overcomplicating simple things in the past. The best way to remedy this condition is to take a couple of steps back and look at what you’re building.
Regardless of our business, we should always be list-building. Even my friend Chris whom you all know as MBA2020 needs to build a list and he is a reseller. The funny thing, his biggest complaint is that he did not seriously start building his list until this year.

What List Building is
List building is just simply using a service like LeadsLeap to build a capture page. The purpose of this page is to entice people into subscribing to your email newsletter. Now if you have a site as I do then the purpose is to get people to subscribe to your site. The result is the same, a name and email address.
It would be beneficial to offer them something they need or want for their business. This could be anything really maybe even a 6-point checklist for crafting a great blog post. If you make it into an attractive infographic using a service like Canva would be even better. Remember it does not have to be an expensive incentive but it does need to be useful.

What List Building is Not
List building is not buying a bunch of emails from a marketing service, or saying hi to someone in messenger and when they say hello in return you spring you sign up link. List building is not bothering or harassing people in a group. These tactics will get you booted from those social platforms.
List building is not spamming. If you feel like you are spamming and or bothering people then you may not have chosen to follow an instruction set that is no longer effective. The best thing at this point is to change your tactics to something that is more socially acceptable.

We Say List Building But
But what we really mean to say is that we are relationship-building. When someone signs up to your list they have done so because they liked something you either said or offered on your lead capture page. Contact them, reach out to them and ask them if there is anything you can do for them. Maybe ask them what their current biggest challenge is.
Building a productive relationship with people will take some time but the results will completely change your world. Remember that building a business on or offline is actually relationship building.

Thank you so much for taking the time.
If you are not getting paid daily my Contact Info is below
reach out and we can talk.
Telegram: Rob's Telegram
WowApp: The Messenger That Pays You
Check out my site:

Thanks Rob That's me. But Im learning
Great post.
Yes, I tend to overcomplicate and overthink things. List Building is simple but not easy.
That's a great information you've given...
Mkts times we really want to do something nice but then we lack the approach to make then a reality and it's same with selling businesses.
Often times nowadays we see several links everywhere in the social platforms talking about one business or the other
Most times, we gets annoyed by those links but that wasn't the intent of the person sending them
Thanks for educating us about what exactly list building entails.
The challenge that I've had with many listbuilders is that I am not entirely sure what it is they are offering ... other than to join a mailing list. One of the things that I like about ListNerds is that people are able to offer their Hive blog, and an integral bonus, a way into Hive. The blog itself may or may not add value, but that's a slightly different story.
I feel the same way! I'm glad it's not just me.
Very informative article. Cheers!
Very good article, Rob. Nicely laid out.
I can attest to the purchasing leads. I did this early in my marketing career, and it was nothing more than a waste of money.