The little seagul- A story with a lesson for adults and kids!

in Education3 years ago

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Once upon a time there was a little seagull named Brian. He lived with his parents in the most beautiful place on earth, close to the Galapagos islands. They had all they needed in the world. There were plenty of fish in the sea and they were safe, because there were not many predators around. They lived a happy carefree life. Brian had many friends and they played all over the island during the day.

All the little seagulls were very excited when the day finally arrived for them to start with flying lessons. They were taught the basics in class, and they all practiced their own flying techniques during the day. They couldn't wait for the day when they would actually be allowed to fly on their own. After weeks of actual practice on the ground, the teacher thought that they were ready and told them that he would take them flying the next day.

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They all climbed up to the highest rock and everyone was so excited that they couldn't stop talking. They stood in a long row and each of them would get a turn to fly. Brian was number 6 in the row. As it came closer to his turn, Brian became more nervous. He did not think that he could do this. It looked so easy, but what if it wasn't? What if he falls and break a wing, then he would NEVER be able to fly again...Brian totally lost all his confidence. To give himself more preparation time, and to build up more courage, he let everyone pass him in the row, until he was the only one left on that rock.

There was no turning back now, but Brian was still scared to fly. What if he couldn't flap his wings fast enough?

Mr Mike stepped in behind Brian and encouraged him to take the jump. Brian's heart was pounding and it felt as if his heart was going to jump out his throat. Mr Mike told Brian to close his eyes to be more relaxed....and then he pushed Brian off the rock!

Brian could see his life flash in front of him as he tumbled to the ground. He could hear everyone cheering him and all he could hear was FLAP YOUR WINGS!!!!

As soon as the adrenaline kicked in, Brian started flapping his wings and when he caught the turn of the wind and spread open his wings, he majestically started to fly....

We are often so scared to try new things in life, that we just give up. Sometimes all that we need is a little push from someone to build up the courage to achieve great things. WE are all destined for something great, and may today be that day. One little step at a time...because every little step brings us closer to that great big step that we have to take to achieve what we want to achieve. NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF.

Have a blessed day!

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They lived a happy carefree life.

This is what I am aiming for. No rent, no bills, no worries. I know communities (abroad, outside of Hungary), where people live like this. People in caves (some of them with solar powered electricity), and there are also people in abandoned houses (they do sqatting). And maybe there are other alternatives. I will probably join one (or more) of them.

Nice story, at some point in our lives we need someone and it is precisely when we face new things.

Hi @giantbear, entertaining reading that you share with us, reminds me of the story of the snowball, the snowball starts at the top of the mountain as something tiny and without strength, but as it begins to roll its size grows and drags everything in its path in an avalanche.

That's how we humans are, we have so much potential, but the fear of taking the first step prevents us from growing personally and professionally.

Thank you for your contribution. Greetings