How to teach little children about God - Part 10

in Education3 years ago

We saw in the Bible that one thing the Bible teaches us is about sin.


We saw that the Ten Commandments show us what sin is. That is also called the law. God want us to read the Bible and He tells us that in Joshua 1:8
You must keep on speaking about the words of God's law. Think about what it says, all the time. Be careful to obey it. Then you will do well, and you will win.
Joshua 1:8 EASY

As seen above in the picture, sin is things that we do, which God's law say we must not do.
God said you must not lie, so if you told a lie you have sinned. If you are jealous of your friend's new bicycle then you are sinning.
If we sin we move further from God, our sins make Him angry and sad.

You remember we looked at Adam and Eve, the first people on the earth. They ate from the tree that God told them not to eat from. Eve listened to the snake, that was the devil in disguise. That was the first sin. Through Adam and Eve, sin came into the world and since then everybody are sinful and sin.


Before Adam and Eve's sin, God was with them in paradise everyday, but after their sin, God sent them out of paradise.
Sin bring a division between us and God.


Next time we will look at what we can do to make things right with God again.


Thank you for reading.




Well done, this is very informative thank you