How to teach little children about God - Part 8

in Education3 years ago

In part 4 we looked what prayer is and how to talk to God.

How do God talk to us?

Today we look at how God talk to us. God had inspired people through His Holy Spirit to write down His word. This means that God gave the words to the people to write it down. In the Bible one of the authors, Peter explains how it works.
None of the prophets' messages came because any person wanted to say something. Instead, God's Holy Spirit caused people to speak words that came from God.
2 Peter 1:21 EASY

He ensured that we know what happened since the beginning where He created the earth and the first people Adam and Eve.

The Bible

This word of God is called the Bible.
The Bible was written over a very long time, the clever people say over 1500 years.


The Bible is made up from 66 smaller books. This smaller books was later put together by the early church so that we can have the Bible.

The Bible consists of 2 parts. The Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is all the books that was written before Jesus was born.
That consists of 39 books. The first book in the Bible is Genesis where God told us about the beginning of the earth and people.


The New Testament starts where Jesus is born. The New Testament consists of 27 books. The first book of the New Testament is Matthew where we learn how Jesus was born and how He lived on earth. The last book in the Bible is Revelation. This is about the end days on the earth and things that will happen.

So when we want to know God and want Him to speak to us, we must read the Bible. There are special children's Bibles which make it easier for children to understand the Bible.


When mommy reads the Bible to you, you must listen to what God is teaching you and saying to you. If you don't understand you can ask mommy what is God saying? She can explain it to you.


Next time we will look at how and why God speaks to us in the Bible.

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Just the perfect way boss and thanks for sharing

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