Teaching little children about God - Part 15

in Education3 years ago

We are learning about God and currently we are looking at the life of Jesus. Just a short summary of what we learned before I continue..

We saw that he was bor, but he was no ordinary child. At 12 years old he was teaching in the temple. But he grew up as a normal child.

When Jesus was 33 years old, he started to do the work God chose him to do. He was baptized and then he went into the desert where the devil tried to temp him, but Jesus did not give in to the temptation. He was victorious.


So today we saw that Jesus went to choose people that were going to accompany him.
Let's read from the Bible what happened:

One day, Jesus was walking along the shore of Lake Galilee. He saw two men who were brothers. One man was called Simon, and he was also called Peter. His brother's name was Andrew. Their job was to catch fish. They were throwing their nets into the lake to catch fish. Jesus said to them, ‘Come with me and be my disciples. Then I will teach you how to catch people, instead of fish.’
Matthew 4:18‭-‬19 EASY

Jesus also started to teach these men. https://bible.com/bible/2079/mat.4.18-19.EASY


Jesus travelled everywhere in Galilee. He taught people in the temple. He told people about the Kingdom of God. He did a lot of miracles, where he healed the sick. So more and more people got to know Jesus and to follow Him. They start to come from other places to see Him, some from Jordan and other from Jerusalem.

One day the mothers wanted to bring their children to Jesus, but the disciples said they must not bother Jesus. But Jesus stepped in.

Then Jesus told the children to come to him. He said to his disciples, ‘Let the children come to me. Do not try to stop them. People must become like these children so that God can rule their lives. That is what the kingdom of God is like. What I say is true. A person must become like a little child for God to rule in his life. If he does not become like a child, he will not come into the kingdom of God.’
Luke 18:16‭-‬17 EASY


Next time we will look at what happens next to Jesus.

Thank you for reading.



Source: https://bible.com/bible/2079/luk.18.16-17.EASY https://blog.cph.org/teach/teaching-the-twelve-apostles-andrew https://www.goodsalt.com/details/stdas0416.html https://www.fanpop.com/clubs/jesus/images/33135828/title/jesus-with-children-photo