Teaching little children about God - part 18

in Education3 years ago

We now look at Jesus' last meal with His disciples before He was caught.

One of Jesus' disciples was Judas. He went to the Jewish priests and asked how much money would they give him if he helps them to catch Jesus. They gave Judas 30 silver coins. He then was just waiting for the right time to help them to catch Jesus.


It was the first day of the Passover celebrations. Jesus send his disciples to go to a certain man and arranged that they will eat the Passover meal there.

When it was evening, Jesus and his 12 disciples sat down to eat the meal. During the meal Jesus said to them: One of you will help the Jewish leaders to catch me. Judas said to Jesus: Teacher, you don't mean it's me?. Jesus said: yes, you said it.


The apostles were very sad, but Jesus said to them that He will die as predicted in the scriptures. Let's read from the Bible what happened next:

While Jesus and his disciples were eating, he took a loaf of bread. He thanked God for it and then he broke the bread into pieces. He gave some of it to each of them. He said, ‘Take this bread and eat it. This is my body.’ Then Jesus took a cup. He thanked God for the wine in the cup. Then he gave it to them and he said, ‘All of you should drink some of this wine. This is my blood that shows God's promise. When I die, my blood will pour out of my body. In that way God will forgive many people for the wrong things that they have done. That is the promise that God makes because of my death.
Matthew 26:26‭-‬28 EASY

This is very important what we learn here. Jesus here institutes the holy communion that we celebrated in our churches still today.

Simon Dewey - British painter 1962

Jesus said the bread is a sign of His body that will be broken for us. The wine is a sign of His blood that would flow for us. He said whenever we eat the bread and drink the wine, we must do it in remembrance of Him.

After this Jesus went with His disciples to a garden called Gethsemane. He said to his disciples he feels very sad, so sad that he feel that He could die. Jesus asked his disciples to stay awake with him, while he prays.
Let's read from the Bible.

Jesus went a short way beyond them. He went down with his face on the ground. He prayed, ‘Father, if it is possible, please save me from this time of great pain. But Father, I do not ask you to do what I want. Do what you want for me.’
Matthew 26:39 EASY

When Jesus came back where his disciples were, they were sleeping. Jesus said they must watch and pray with Him.


Next time we will see what happened next to Jesus.

Source: Easy Bible

https://the-scarlet-thread.com/2018/12/08/in-zechariah-jesus-is-the-one-sold-for-30-pieces-of-silver/amp/ https://www.jesuschristsavior.net/Supper.html https://latterdaysaintmusicians.com/what-do-mormons-believe/the-sacrifice-of-jesus-christ/jesus-christ-praying-in-garden-of-gethsemane


The communion reminds us of the price Christ paid on the cross of Calvary.

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Yes, my next and final post will be about Jesus' death and resurrection.