Time is one of the most essential tool in human life and we all know this. Managing it is another important thing to look unto.
According to Merriam Webster dictionary: time is the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues. Time management on the other hand, is our ability to utilize our time effectively and efficiently.
We can not separate time from human or daily activities, hence all events on earth are being measured with time.
But here in Africa, time is not the same with what it's known as. For an African man, time is categorized into two categories. First being normal time and the second, African time.
Normal time for an African man, is the tendency of one to keep to time in any activity or event while in the second category, african time, he gives himself some minutes or hours extension to the stipulated time of an event or occasion thereby arriving late. In order words, African time is the mismanagement of time to an event. This is a habit incorporated by some lazy Africans and they exhibit it in activities or event, and termed it African time to justify their laziness or time mismanagement.
Gradually, this has become a norm to the African society and has a huge effect to our society. African time has cost many life time opportunities, jobs and properties.This seems to be normal in our society but sincerely speaking, it shouldn't be. It is beholden on us to educate and orient our people especially, the younger ones the implications and consequences of African time to our society and individuals as well.
We all know that late coming is a bad habit which is unfit for any life endeavour. It has for long, ravaged the African society with it's many vices.
Below are consequences of African time to an individual and our society at large.
1: many has lost their job because of African time.
2: African time has denied many some businesses opportunities.
3: many students has missed and failed exams due to African time.
4:Not keeping to time by the stakeholders of some occasions or event have resulted in the events been shifted or cancelled thereby altering the plans of the organizers
5: when there is an emergency call, not keeping to time might also lead to lost of life and properties as well.
1: Students and people should be severely punished and penalize when they indulge in African time.
2: self discipline is an essential tool to curb African time.
3: people should be educated towards the implications and consequences of African time.
4: Companies and firms should check their employees of African time by inviting them over in at least 3 to 5 different occasions in order to determine their ability to keep to time and retain those capable of keeping to time. This will serve as a big lesson to the other employees and the societies as well.