Hearing impairment; having pre-knowledge of this can save you from future crisis.

in Education2 years ago

To I will like to share with you all briefly on the above subject matter.Greetings to great lover of this community and happy new week. How has it been with each and every one here. This is my first time posting in this community. I'm @ihechi I love sharing idea for it is said when you are not informed you are deformed.



Hearing impairment
Hearing impairment is a problem associated with the ear. The inability to hear as a result of one thing or the other. Negligent to this has led to many homes in perpetual bandage of deafness.



There are so many factors that can lead to hearing impairment which are;

  • Pre-natal (before birth)
  • Perinatal (during birth) and
  • Postnatal (after birth)

1.Prenatal causes
The prenatal period is from the time of conception to delivery. At this period, the following condition could lead to deafness.

  • maternal diseases: eg German measles, influenza, maternal syphillis, whooping couph and dome viral diseases.
  • Drugs taken by the mother: During pregnancy is not every drugs that the prospective mother can take, the toxic of the drugs has a harmful infect on the unborn child.
  • Rhesus factor (Rh): Rh positive mixed with Rh negative.
  • Hereditary: A family that has history of deafness from parents or ground parents to children, children children.
  • Malnutrition: A pregnant mother needs nutrients, a healthy food and good medication to aid a proper body building of the baby inside the womb.
  • Toxic Substance All the pregnant mother should be void of alcohol (smoking and taking in of bear) this does more harm to the baby health than good.

2. Perinatal Causes: This starts from during labour till the arrival of the baby.

  • Compressing of the child head during birth.
  • Delayed labour causes a child to suffer Anoxia or cut-off of oxygen supply from the mother to the baby.
  • The use of instruments to aid delivery that is the misuse of forceps.
  • Birth fall: when the child falls down after delivery at the labour room.
  • Antiproton hemorrhage or bleeding from the genital track during delivery.
  • Placenta detachment: unable to carefully detach the placenta.

3. Postnatal Causes: this stage is after safe delivery till old age.

  • Accident/falls: constant falls or accident could lead to hearing loss especially when the fall affects the head.
  • Sickness: childhood diseases such as measles, influenza, fever, diphtheria, meningitis etc.
  • Ritnopathy of prematurity or after effect of prematurity.
  • malnutrition
  • child abuse.

In conclusion hearing impairment is not a palatable experience, let's guide against it and help our friends and loved once not to be a victim. Thanks and stay cool @ihechi is saying do have a blissful week.