Electricity surrounds children everywhere: at home, on the street, in kindergarten, in toys and household appliances; it is difficult to remember the sphere of human life, where they would live without electricity. Therefore, children's interest in this topic is quite understandable. Although the story about the properties of electricity is not only a matter of curiosity, but also ... the safety of the baby!
At 2-3 years, a little man begins a period when he is interested in everything.
What is it, why, how it works, why and not otherwise, how it is used, what is useful or harmful - a million questions a day for mom and dad are guaranteed. In addition, the sphere of interests of the "why" is extensive: he is concerned with both worldly issues (such as what is money or the New Year) and sublime (what is space, what is love). And asking about electricity is also natural. What is the current, where does it come from, and where does it go when we flip the switch? Why does a light bulb and a television turn on? Like daddy's tablet or his musical toys does it work without a cord to the power outlet? Why is the current so dangerous that parents forbid even approaching this outlet? The options are endless! Of course, you can dismiss them by saying that the child is still too young to understand this topic (from a science point of view, electricity is such a complex concept that it cannot be discussed before the age of 12-14).
But this approach is wrong. Also, from the point of view of both education and security. That the child does not understand the physics of the process, but is quite capable of knowing the essence of electric current and treating it with due respect.
Electricity surrounds children everywhere: at home, on the street, in kindergarten, in toys and household appliances; it is difficult to remember the sphere of human life, where they would live without electricity. Therefore, children's interest in this topic is quite understandable. Although the story about the properties of electricity is not only a matter of curiosity, but also ...
Show the electric current with examples.
Whichever approach you choose in the story about electricity, the next question is logical for children: why, when the device is turned on, do the bees or electrons start moving in the wire, what makes them do this? ? In this case, it is necessary to speak in general terms about the structure of the electrical network, and it is advisable to do so with illustrative examples from the surrounding life or in photographic and video materials. Point out that all the wires in the house converge into a single wire that can accommodate the number of electrons / bees needed for the house. Then he goes out into the street and, leaning on the pillars, leads to a factory where these particles are produced, such a factory is called a power station. How they are produced (by burning coal, from a disk in a hydroelectric power station or wind turbines, from solar panels), you can know at will, if the child is interested in this. But usually, in 2-3 years, there is a sufficient notion that there is such a factory where "electric bees" or electrons are manufactured.
Although no one forbids you to carry out a small but visual experiment with your child. You will need a simple dynamo machine: with a light bulb and a handle, from the rotation of which the light turns on. The child will surely be delighted to see that he can produce electricity with his own hands! Also, as soon as you stop turning the handle, the light turns off immediately, very clearly and easily.
Experimental practice is generally extremely useful, especially in those matters where it is necessary to show that the current is dangerous. To do this, you will need several batteries and a couple of light bulbs. First, explain that a battery is such a small supply of electricity - like canned food, in which electrons are stored to power devices for a time. And then show how it works: install it on a toy and a phone, they work. When the bees / electrons have been depleted, the device has been turned off: either new batteries are needed or old ones need to be charged, "fill" a batch of "helpers" from the socket (emphasize that you can charge not everything, only batteries, called rechargeable batteries).
Teach the careful handling of electricity!
Just remember: your goal is not to bully the child. If you go too far in this matter, there is a great risk that the fear of electricity will settle in the baby's soul. He will be terrified, it will be difficult for him to use electrical appliances, he will avoid them and will try not to turn them on himself. It is more correct not to scare, but to teach precision and thrifty attitude to the current. So talk about the risks, but don't over-embellish all the details.
To learn how to handle electricity, pay attention to these points:
you can not turn on any electrical appliance in the house without the permission of adults, they should know that the baby turns the TV, baby monitor or other large electrical appliance on and off.
It is unacceptable to disassemble electrical appliances, even if they are disconnected from the outlet or if it seems to the baby that some part needs to be replaced, for example, a burned out light bulb in a night light; you should immediately inform adults about any problem with an electrical appliance: if it stops working, begins to smell unpleasant, smoke or sparks, if the box breaks or a cable breaks.
And do not forget to prepare the apartment for the curiosity of the child. No matter how you explain the safety rules to him, in any case, consciously or unconsciously, the baby will at least once try to get into the outlet, break the cord and break the electrical appliance. Therefore, various devices are vital, from plugs to special cable ties!
Does your child already know the benefits and dangers of electricity?
Information source.