We are talking about the types of family education in which the child does not attend a traditional mass school. We consider the pros and cons of various ways of organizing home studies.
What is homeschooling?
Homeschooling is when the child does not go to school, but studies at home.
In the latter case, the responsibility for the quality of the knowledge and the successful completion of the intermediate certifications falls on the parents. The child independently masters the general education program using textbooks, with the help of parents and guardians, or studying in online schools. Since most of the learning process takes place in the home, family education has become synonymous with homeschooling.
The reasons for moving to family education can be diverse: the poor quality of schooling, a tense psychological climate in the classroom, the desire to preserve the child's health and avoid excessive stress, the possibility of combining schooling and, of course, For example, sports practice. or musical career, and others.
How can education be organized at home?
Many parents live by the principle "If you want to do something right, do it yourself." And having taken the boy out of the traditional public school, mom and dad begin to teach the boy science.
Advantages of this type of training
An opportunity to get to know your child better. The parents themselves are engaged in teaching the child, constantly analyzing his progress and knowing what he is interested in and what he is strong in. This can be useful in choosing a future profession.
Opportunity for self-development. Remembering the school curriculum, parents not only train memory, but also can discover many new things.
Saving. There is no need to spend money on "school fees", funds will only be required to purchase some educational materials. Compensation for family education is also provided in several regions.
Possible problems
- Difficulty explaining all school subjects. If the basics of mathematics and the Russian language are available to all parents, what about the more complex curriculum of middle and high school? Chemistry, physics, computer science - some subjects are difficult even to understand on your own, let alone explain them to a child.
- Difficulties with intermediate certifications. Any exam is a format. A parent, unlike a professional teacher, may not know the nuances of preparing for certain screening tests.
Approaching the choice of a form of home education, it is necessary to take into account the reasons that made you think about leaving school, as well as the characteristics of the child. Here are the main pros and cons of all types and ways of studying at home.
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