Education hive's first competition! My Entry.

in Education5 years ago

man is superior to other animals on the basis of wisdom. It doesn't mean that animals are not wise. They are wise enough to take care of themselves and their young ones but they can't utilize their wisdom for the benefit of the community.
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Education and learning enhance wisdom. Human developments made it possible due to sharing or knowledge transfer. Striving of excellence is in every field is required which is only possible to make education and learning in the reach of all.

why you as a blogger think that it is important to support the education community on

Man is a social animal. Just like food requirement of every human being socializing requirement of man. Social media platform is a great companion in an era where people have no or little time for their surroundings. Hive is a great media where thousands of people are doing socializing on various platform. It is a well known fact that 1 & 1 makes 11. Let's assume what will be the impact to promote education infront of thousand of user. Indeed it will prove amazing. It will improve people skill beside englighting society.I must say it's a great initiative by @educationhive start a campaign. We should be a part of this campaign for the betterment of this world.

In your post include some ideas on how we can make the education community great.

In my opinion education it is important to know which type of education will be beneficial for people in this community. People love to learn things which provides the benefit. I observed that mostly educational material for kids which is indeed a good steps. But unfortunately majority of the people using this community are adult. So, in my opinion it is important to bring educational stuff for adult people. This may include subject like financial literacy, economics, communication skill, applied mathematics, Science, Coding, graphic design, linguistic etc. It will develop adult interest in education.

Promotion of HIVE education Platform

link. It will be taken as help in this regard. Youtube is an other media for promoting this campaign beside using 3S.I think the answer is simple. Twitter is the best way of promoting. @theycallmedan already started a nice initiative of #mycountry

Wish you best of luck for this community. I would love to write on the subject I like for this community. Wish people around the globe a very happy, healthy and safe life ahead. Have a nice time


Thankswell written @kamchore!!! all what you have discussed are constrictive and are vital to the development and promotion of HIVE education platform. I believe it is an important strategic direction to bring new adult educational stuff on diverse area of subjects as you have mentioned in your post.