As educators, we must realize that not all students have the same intelligence. There are students who like English but are not good at math, there are students who like history but there are also students who are less smart in academics but good at sports or physical activities, because each student has their own interests and talents. Therefore, it is very unfair if we equate students' abilities through their academic scores alone.
The value in an education is given by the teacher only for student evaluation. The teacher at the end of the lesson will of course give a score or what is called a report card. This report card aims to determine the level of student academic ability. If there are children whose report cards are low, it can make them improve their abilities. In addition, students will try to improve themselves in various ways. This self-improvement, can be done by changing the way of learning, or maybe it can be in another way.
Besides that. Most people assume that smart students are children who get high academic scores in school. Although this is not always the case, many children are normal at school, but when they grow up they are successful in their own way. Because a person's level of success cannot be seen from his academic ability or grades, but from his talents, skills, and hard work.
Grades are not a measure of student graduation, would you agree?
If we examine the education system abroad, especially in European countries, the education system whose stages are very different from Indonesia, grades are not a measure of student graduation, but there are several important factors that will be considered by schools. In addition to report cards to record academic grades, they also have an assessment book in terms of children's maturity in thinking, reasoning, socializing, solving problems, following rules, and being a person who has a sense of responsibility and empathy.
As expressed by a Polish teacher Fitria Anis Kurly who was born on April 12, 1992 in Timika Indonesia. Teachers who teach in three schools, namely SD with Montessori method, SD with traditional learning method, and kindergarten with two types of learning that students and parents can choose from, said that in Poland a teacher does not need to make lesson plans, syllabus, No need to give exams, both oral and written exams, No need to give homework to children. There is no need to impose any form of punishment. We're just here to discuss. No need to write grades or ratings on report cards, just input for parents.
Listening to the review above, it is very much different from our education system where RPP is a written document of a teacher in carrying out the educational process at school. This document is an operational guide for teachers in carrying out classroom teaching. Therefore, administratively teachers must make rpp at the beginning of the school year.
To analyze whether or not an education system is good, we can see the meaning of effective education.
Effective education is an educational process that allows students to learn easily, fun and achieve the expected goals.
So in an education must be able to increase the chances of students in achieving their goals, that is the main goal of education.
The current education system in Indonesia can be said to be still very ineffective, the system in this country forces students to become multi-talented people, forces students to master all subjects in school, even though each student has their own strengths and weaknesses.
Education must be able to develop or improve the talents and skills of each student, not forcing students to be able to do everything even though the teacher for each lesson is different.
By @latifah1