Direct Learning Model: Teaching Students About The Concept of Theory and Practice Clearly.

in Education2 years ago

Today's friends, our discussion is about the educational model, the model I mean is the direct investigation model. I hope this article can be useful for me, and for all of you. We will start from the definition of the direct learning model, and also the benefits that we can get from this educational model.


The Definition of direct learning model (direct instruction)

Referring to the general term, direct learning or direct instruction is a learning method which uses an instructional approach that is led by a teacher and has a structured process in the delivery of learning materials. The teacher's way of delivering learning material is done by lecture or demonstration.

This direct instruction model is one of the teacher's strategies to teach students so that they can possess appropriate and systematic declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge.

In this direct learning model, Students are required to be able to understand the material taught by the teacher as a whole. Thus, students can have a deductive attitude and reasoning which can later solve problems in their daily lives.

the principle of direct learning model

In the implementation process, This direct instruction learning model operates using 2 principles that become the foundation or main philosophy Among other things, students can develop academically which can be seen from their self-image, all students can be taught, full support for students who have below average ability, all teachers can be successful with adequate materials and training, and instruction must be controlled.


The right time to apply the direct learning model

If you wish to apply the direct learning model, then at least you know when is the right time to apply this learning model, for information, The direct learning model is very suitable to be applied if we as teachers have a goal to emphasize a material to students.

In addition, the right time to apply this direct instruction model is when the teacher wants to transfer skills or strategies that have a clear system. Another good time is when the teacher wants to know the capacity of the students he teaches. So that he can know the basic skills possessed by students.

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