How to Implement Character Education For Students in Schools

in Education2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, today we are going to talk about education again. The topic of our discussion on this sunny day is related to the implementation of character education in schools. My goal is to discuss this topic because of the reality we face today about the problem with the lack of positive character in students. Such as the shifting of ethical values in themselves, as well as the fading of students' awareness of the values of tolerance, or their love for their own nation.


Implementation of character education in schools.

One of the determining factors in instilling positive character for students in character education for students is the teacher. Yes, the teacher is a role model for students.

The teacher's example starts from speech, behavior, becomes a big contribution in the formation of student character. In addition to the teacher's example, there are other aspects in implementing character education for students, including:

  • Implementation of Character Education, Religious.

There are several ways of implementation that we can apply, the first is religious. That is behavior that is obedient to the implementation of religious teachings. In its application in schools, the implementation of this religious character education can be started by praying before, and also after carrying out the learning procession. And also provide opportunities for each student to carry out worship according to their religion.

  • Implementation of character education, honesty

Honesty is an important thing that must be owned by everyone, the value of honesty is also one of the positive characters that we can instill in students at school. We can start implementing honesty in schools by providing a place to put lost items. Or it could be with the transparency of financial reports or assessments.

  • Implementation of Character Education in Schools, Tolerance

The third is tolerance, this is very important. Tolerance must be owned by every student. The ability to appreciate differences ranging from race, ethnicity, or religion.

We can instill the character of tolerance in schools through several things, such as respecting and also giving equal treatment to all students regardless of ethnicity or religion or social status. In addition, creating groups filled with students with different backgrounds is also able to instill the value of tolerance in students.

In addition to the three examples of implementing character values that I have discussed above, we can also use other methods in implementing positive character education for students, including discipline, creativity, or through hard work, and smart work. Besides all that, the teacher is a real example in realizing positive character for students.

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