El Día del Maestro podrá ser importante, pero más importante eres tú, que con tus enseñanzas, con tu sabiduría, con tu tenacidad logras crear una nueva conciencia global.
¿Por qué 15 de enero,
se celebra el día del Maestro en Venezuela?
Un poco de historia no hace mal. Es bueno conocer el por qué de los días en que se recuerdan fechas importantes de nuestro país Venezuela.
Un 15 de Enero de 1932, durante la dictadura de Gómez, un grupo de educadores se reunieron con la finalidad de defender los derechos laborales de los maestros y optimizar la educación en Venezuela.
Trece años después de ese primer encuentro el Presidente Medina Angarita decretó el 15 de Enero Día del Maestro.
Desde 1945, en Venezuela se recuerda los hechos acaecidos por ese grupo de valientes maestros venezolanos que se enfrentaron a un dictador en ese momento era el turno de Juan Vicente Gómez.
Además de dar reconocimiento el trabajo docente que se realiza se toma también para recordar al Gobierno Nacional para hacer mejoras salariales al Gremio de educadores del país, no solo esa parte salarial sino también se enfocan a el entorno físico donde se realizan las actividades docentes llamadas escuelas.
Cada quien que decide ser Docente, unos porque de verdad es un gusto, otros porque no había otra carrera cerca para estudiar, otros porque se les presentó en el camino. En fin, cada Docente tiene su historia de porqué ejerce la labor Docente. Unos la aman, la disfrutan otros solo por el salario que se percibe.
Pero les digo algo, estar con niños, trabajar con ellos, conocerlos, escucharlos se desarrollan un mundo de aprendizajes y queremos que ese mundo de cada niño que pasa con cada docente sea un ser humano feliz, pueda derribar todas las barreras mentales y surja ese gusto por aprender, capacitarse, ser mejores ciudadanos es el deseo de la mayoría de los educadores. Hay momentos que hasta lloramos y reímos con ellos.
Cuando los niños se convierten en adolescentes ese trabajo de los profesores de los liceos es admirable, entrar en ese mundo adolescente y convertirse en el orientador y ver como unos logran objetivos académicos, hay tristeza cuando otros deciden dejar el liceo para irse a las calles.
Llegar al nivel universidad, cuantos aprendizajes como educadores a pesar que aquí son muchos profesionales de diferentes áreas que prestan sus servicios como docentes, este es otro proceso de admiración total, para generar relevos en las diferentes áreas académicas, que en el trancurso de los años serán quienes liderizarán los grupos y forjarán nuevos profesionales...algunos deciden seguir el ejemplo pero otros sólo se dedicarán a la profesión elegida.

Imagen del autor. Editada en Canva. Enero, 2022

Decir ser Soy Docente es un valor incalculable, cada 15 de enero se llenan las redes sociales de felicitaciones para este gremio, a pesar que cada uno sabe como lo hace para que llegue su entusiasmo del aprendizaje, encender la chispa del conocimiento. Aquél en el área rural que para llegar a sus sitios lo hacen en mulas, caballos, deben mudarse a esos espacios, que viven los ataques de los padres que quieren que sus hijos solo trabajen el campo. Los citadinos con sus oportunidades que también enfrentan situaciones en espacios menos favorecido como son los barrios y la ley de ellos.
Son Valientes desde los diferentes espacios donde hacen la Praxis pedagógica y las satisfacciones que reciben por la labor que realizan.
A todos los Educadores de Venezuela en su día, Activo o Jubilado como nos dividen en las nóminas de pagos un Abrazo inmenso donde se encuentren, en este mundo y en otro plano. Dieron mucho por el país.

Gif @germanandradeg @alarconr22.arte
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Image by the author. Editada en Canva. January, 2022
Why is January 15th
@sound1music y @mayvileros

Gif @germanandradeg @alarconr22.arte
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Teacher's Day may be important, but more important is you, who with your teachings, with your wisdom, with your tenacity, succeed in creating a new global consciousness.
Why is January 15th
celebrated as Teacher's Day in Venezuela?
A little bit of history doesn't hurt. It is good to know the why of the days in which important dates of our country Venezuela are remembered.
It happened:
On January 15, 1932, during the Gómez dictatorship, a group of educators met with the aim of defending the labour rights of teachers and optimising education in Venezuela.
Thirteen years after that first meeting, President Medina Angarita decreed 15 January as Teacher's Day.
Since 1945, Venezuela has been remembering the events of that group of brave Venezuelan teachers who confronted a dictator, at that time Juan Vicente Gómez.
In addition to giving recognition to the teaching work that is done is also taken to remind the National Government to make salary improvements to the Guild of educators in the country, not only that part salary but also focus on the physical environment where teaching activities are carried out called schools.

Everyone who decides to become a teacher, some because they really like it, others because there was no other career nearby to study, others because it came to them along the way. In short, each teacher has his or her own story of why he or she becomes a teacher. Some love it, some enjoy it, others just for the salary.
But I tell you something, being with children, working with them, getting to know them, getting to know them, listening to them develops a world of learning and we want that world of each child who passes through each teacher to be a happy human being, to be able to break down all mental barriers and to develop a taste for learning, training and becoming better citizens is the desire of the majority of educators. There are moments when we even cry and laugh with them.
When children become teenagers, the work of high school teachers is admirable, to enter the adolescent world and become the counsellor and to see how some achieve academic goals, there is sadness when others decide to leave high school to go to the streets.
Reaching university level, how many learn as educators despite the fact that here there are many professionals from different areas who provide their services as teachers, this is another process of total admiration, to generate relays in the different academic areas, which in the course of the years will be who will lead the groups and forge new professionals ... some decide to follow the example but others will only dedicate themselves to their chosen profession.

Image by the author. Editada en Canva. January, 2022
To say I am a teacher is an incalculable value, every January 15th the social networks are filled with congratulations for this guild, although each one knows how they do it so that their enthusiasm for learning arrives, igniting the spark of knowledge. Those in rural areas who have to travel to their places on mules and horses, who have to move to these spaces, who live under the attacks of parents who want their children to work only in the fields. The city dwellers with their opportunities who also face situations in less favoured areas such as the neighbourhoods and their law.
They are courageous in the different spaces where they carry out their pedagogical practice and the satisfaction they receive for the work they do.
To all the Educators of Venezuela on their day, Active or Retired as we are divided in the payrolls, a huge hug wherever they are, in this world and in another plane. They gave a lot for the country.

Gif @germanandradeg
Baners Fuente
Logos courtesy of:
Translator DeepL
@sound1music y @mayvileros

It happened:
On January 15, 1932, during the Gómez dictatorship, a group of educators met with the aim of defending the labour rights of teachers and optimising education in Venezuela.
Thirteen years after that first meeting, President Medina Angarita decreed 15 January as Teacher's Day.
Since 1945, Venezuela has been remembering the events of that group of brave Venezuelan teachers who confronted a dictator, at that time Juan Vicente Gómez.
In addition to giving recognition to the teaching work that is done is also taken to remind the National Government to make salary improvements to the Guild of educators in the country, not only that part salary but also focus on the physical environment where teaching activities are carried out called schools.
Everyone who decides to become a teacher, some because they really like it, others because there was no other career nearby to study, others because it came to them along the way. In short, each teacher has his or her own story of why he or she becomes a teacher. Some love it, some enjoy it, others just for the salary.
But I tell you something, being with children, working with them, getting to know them, getting to know them, listening to them develops a world of learning and we want that world of each child who passes through each teacher to be a happy human being, to be able to break down all mental barriers and to develop a taste for learning, training and becoming better citizens is the desire of the majority of educators. There are moments when we even cry and laugh with them.
When children become teenagers, the work of high school teachers is admirable, to enter the adolescent world and become the counsellor and to see how some achieve academic goals, there is sadness when others decide to leave high school to go to the streets.
Reaching university level, how many learn as educators despite the fact that here there are many professionals from different areas who provide their services as teachers, this is another process of total admiration, to generate relays in the different academic areas, which in the course of the years will be who will lead the groups and forge new professionals ... some decide to follow the example but others will only dedicate themselves to their chosen profession.

Image by the author. Editada en Canva. January, 2022

To say I am a teacher is an incalculable value, every January 15th the social networks are filled with congratulations for this guild, although each one knows how they do it so that their enthusiasm for learning arrives, igniting the spark of knowledge. Those in rural areas who have to travel to their places on mules and horses, who have to move to these spaces, who live under the attacks of parents who want their children to work only in the fields. The city dwellers with their opportunities who also face situations in less favoured areas such as the neighbourhoods and their law.
They are courageous in the different spaces where they carry out their pedagogical practice and the satisfaction they receive for the work they do.
To all the Educators of Venezuela on their day, Active or Retired as we are divided in the payrolls, a huge hug wherever they are, in this world and in another plane. They gave a lot for the country.

Gif @germanandradeg @alarconr22.arte
Baners Fuente
Logos courtesy of:
Translator DeepL
@sound1music y @mayvileros

Gif @germanandradeg @alarconr22.arte
Baners Fuente
Logos courtesy of:
Translator DeepL
@sound1music y @mayvileros

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Hola amiga, muy buen reporte porque debemos saber de dónde venimos. Sin embargo, hoy me invade la duda, yo tengo mi propio día del profesor ¿Eso entraría también como docente? Porque tengo la concepción que el maestro es de educación primaria y secundaria y que si ya tengo mi día, no debo celebra hoy.
Esa duda surgió porque hoy me felicitaron y yo dije: ¡No! es que yo no soy maestro, yo tengo mi día. Ahora sí es por día de docente o educador entonces si, porque es más general.
Así reflexioné y yo misma me enrede 🤭🤭🤭; espero su Luz al final del túnel...
Saludos... 🤗🤗🤗
Ah bueno amiguita, te cuento que yo lo celebro porque soy Maestra, ese es mi título. Bachiller equivalente a Maestro en Educación Primaria.
Igual también pertenecí al gremio de docentes universitarios, al ir adquiriendo los otros títulos , este es el día 5 de diciembre
Si hablamos de Docentes, todos los somos.
No hay que enredarse, hay que decir soy parte de la formación de tantos profesionales.
Si,si, si... Mejor, tener varios días para celebrar.
Entonces, ¡Felicidades colega! 🤗
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