Maravilloso día.
no para nuestro pasado»
Ian Jukes

Hace unos días escuché personas preocupadas por el uso de la tecnología y lo avasallante que se presenta, lo que más se resalta es en nuestros tiempos y en producciones cinematográficas, que de verdad observar una producción de este estilo las ideas que vienen a la mente, en mi caso digo: -si el productor de la película y a través de ella quiere expresar un futuro tecnológico que ya lo tenemos aquí, es porque ya existe.
Influencia de la tecnología a nivel personal, su impacto.
El segunto post, lo desarrrollé hace 24 horas y allí expreso acerca de la tecnología en nuestras mentes, familia y trabajo.
La tecnología en nuestras vidas

Pues, lo conocí por medio de un curso que realizaba hace como tres años, este curso en línea y a través de una Fundación Tecnológica para docentes de Educación virtual para América Latina...Cuando llegué a este módulo, el cual me costó un poco seguir las instrucciones para registrarse allí y cumplir con la tarea asignada para poder aprobar.
Cuando logré entrar, sorprendida total, como movía mi avatar para movilizarse por diferentes comunidades y como llegar a la que me correspondía...comunidades de juegos, tiendas, diferentes idiomas, pasé casi una semana para lograr el objetivo. Yo, como docente me preguntaba: - ¿Qué objetivo académico puedo lograr con esto? Un reto sumamente grande.

Es una realidad virtual, que nos está avasallando y los más jóvenes se desenvuelven muy bien en ella...quedaría que se motivaran a cumplir las tareas para lograr el objetivo de la asignatura de ese momento. Un docente que utilice esta herramienta debe estar bien asesorado para poder responder a todo lo que se les pueda presentar a los estudiantes como nos ocurría a los que en ese momento hacíamos el rol de estudiantes, recuerdo que yo decía, cuando se comunicaban conmigo para que les orientara, uy y creí que estaba perdida y otros estaban más perdidos que yo.
Es una generación de Internet, que quizás decimos no estamos preparados para esto, igual está el otro lado de la realidad, el acceso a todos estos recursos requiere un orden económico, para que cada ser humano pueda acceder a estas tecnologías. Allí, surgen incógnitas sobretodo de como en nuestro país Venezuela ¿el ciudadano común accederá a él?...con todo lo que nos envuelve.¿¿¿???


Fuente para apoyar este post.
Baners Fuente
Logos cortesía de:
@sound1music y @mayvileros

Wonderful day. .
"We need to prepare students for their future,
not for our past."
Ian Jukes

Author's image. Edited in Canva. November, 2021

A few days ago I heard people worried about the use of technology and how overwhelming it is presented, what stands out the most is in our times and in film productions, that really observe a production of this style the ideas that come to mind, in my case I say: -if the producer of the film and through it wants to express a technological future that we already have it here, it is because it already exists.
Influence of technology on a personal level, its impact.
The second post, I developed 24 hours ago and there I express about technology in our minds, family and work.

Well, I met him through a course that I was doing about three years ago, this online course and through a Technological Foundation for teachers of virtual Education for Latin America...When I got to this module, which took me a bit to follow the instructions to register there and fulfill the assigned task to be able to pass.
When I managed to enter, totally surprised, how I moved my avatar to move through different communities and how to get to the one that corresponded to me...communities of games, stores, different languages, I spent almost a week to achieve the goal. I, as a teacher asked myself: - What academic goal can I achieve with this? An extremely big challenge..

It is a virtual reality, which is overtaking us and the youngest are doing very well in it...they should be motivated to complete the tasks to achieve the objective of the subject at that moment. A teacher who uses this tool must be well advised to be able to respond to everything that may be presented to the students as it happened to those of us who at that time played the role of students, I remember that I said, when they contacted me for guidance, oh and I thought I was lost and others were more lost than me.
It is an Internet generation, that maybe we say we are not prepared for this, but there is the other side of reality, access to all these resources requires an economic order, so that every human being can access these technologies. There are questions about how our country, Venezuela, will the common citizen have access to it...with all that surrounds us?


Fuente para apoyar este post.
Baners Fuente
Logos cortesía de:
@sound1music y @mayvileros

Today I come to tell how I met the technology and tool Second Life...this is defined as a 3D virtual reality world, a software with immersive experiences, inspired by the concept of #metaverse, which can be designed by the users, who interact, play, and do business. [Technology in our lives](@mercmarc/ecotrain-qotw-s7-9-que).
At different times I have developed the idea about technology. The first one to answer a question from the @ecoTrain community, of how it has influenced our lives.
Hoy vengo a contar como conocí la tecnología y herramienta Second Life...esta es definida como un mundo de realidad virtual 3D, un software con experiencias inmersivas, inspiradas en el concepto de #metaverso, la cual puede ser diseñada por los usuarios, quienes interactúan, juegan, y hacen negocios. En distintos momentos he desarrollado la idea sobre la tecnología. La primera para responder a una pregunta de la comunidad @ecoTrain, de cómo ha influído en nuestras vidas.
Influencia de la tecnología a nivel personal, su impacto.
El segunto post, lo desarrrollé hace 24 horas y allí expreso acerca de la tecnología en nuestras mentes, familia y trabajo.
En distintos momentos he desarrollado la idea sobre la tecnología. La primera para responder a una pregunta de la comunidad @ecoTrain, de cómo ha influído en nuestras vidas.La tecnología en nuestras vidas
Pues, lo conocí por medio de un curso que realizaba hace como tres años, este curso en línea y a través de una Fundación Tecnológica para docentes de Educación virtual para América Latina...Cuando llegué a este módulo, el cual me costó un poco seguir las instrucciones para registrarse allí y cumplir con la tarea asignada para poder aprobar.
Hoy vengo a contar como conocí la tecnología y herramienta Second Life...esta es definida como un mundo de realidad virtual 3D, un software con experiencias inmersivas, inspiradas en el concepto de #metaverso, la cual puede ser diseñada por los usuarios, quienes interactúan, juegan, y hacen negocios. Cuando logré entrar, sorprendida total, como movía mi avatar para movilizarse por diferentes comunidades y como llegar a la que me correspondía...comunidades de juegos, tiendas, diferentes idiomas, pasé casi una semana para lograr el objetivo. Yo, como docente me preguntaba: - ¿Qué objetivo académico puedo lograr con esto? Un reto sumamente grande.
Es una realidad virtual, que nos está avasallando y los más jóvenes se desenvuelven muy bien en ella...quedaría que se motivaran a cumplir las tareas para lograr el objetivo de la asignatura de ese momento. Un docente que utilice esta herramienta debe estar bien asesorado para poder responder a todo lo que se les pueda presentar a los estudiantes como nos ocurría a los que en ese momento hacíamos el rol de estudiantes, recuerdo que yo decía, cuando se comunicaban conmigo para que les orientara, uy y creí que estaba perdida y otros estaban más perdidos que yo.
Es una generación de Internet, que quizás decimos no estamos preparados para esto, igual está el otro lado de la realidad, el acceso a todos estos recursos requiere un orden económico, para que cada ser humano pueda acceder a estas tecnologías. Allí, surgen incógnitas sobretodo de como en nuestro país Venezuela ¿el ciudadano común accederá a él?...con todo lo que nos envuelve.¿¿¿???


Fuente para apoyar este post.
Baners Fuente
Logos cortesía de:
@sound1music y @mayvileros

"We need to prepare students for their future,
not for our past." Author's image. Edited in Canva. November, 2021

Baners Fuente
Logos cortesía de:
@sound1music y @mayvileros

Wonderful day. .
not for our past."
Ian Jukes

A few days ago I heard people worried about the use of technology and how overwhelming it is presented, what stands out the most is in our times and in film productions, that really observe a production of this style the ideas that come to mind, in my case I say: -if the producer of the film and through it wants to express a technological future that we already have it here, it is because it already exists.
Influence of technology on a personal level, its impact.
The second post, I developed 24 hours ago and there I express about technology in our minds, family and work.

Well, I met him through a course that I was doing about three years ago, this online course and through a Technological Foundation for teachers of virtual Education for Latin America...When I got to this module, which took me a bit to follow the instructions to register there and fulfill the assigned task to be able to pass.
When I managed to enter, totally surprised, how I moved my avatar to move through different communities and how to get to the one that corresponded to me...communities of games, stores, different languages, I spent almost a week to achieve the goal. I, as a teacher asked myself: - What academic goal can I achieve with this? An extremely big challenge..

It is a virtual reality, which is overtaking us and the youngest are doing very well in it...they should be motivated to complete the tasks to achieve the objective of the subject at that moment. A teacher who uses this tool must be well advised to be able to respond to everything that may be presented to the students as it happened to those of us who at that time played the role of students, I remember that I said, when they contacted me for guidance, oh and I thought I was lost and others were more lost than me.
It is an Internet generation, that maybe we say we are not prepared for this, but there is the other side of reality, access to all these resources requires an economic order, so that every human being can access these technologies. There are questions about how our country, Venezuela, will the common citizen have access to it...with all that surrounds us?


Fuente para apoyar este post.
Baners Fuente
Logos cortesía de:
@sound1music y @mayvileros

Today I come to tell how I met the technology and tool Second Life...this is defined as a 3D virtual reality world, a software with immersive experiences, inspired by the concept of #metaverse, which can be designed by the users, who interact, play, and do business. [Technology in our lives](@mercmarc/ecotrain-qotw-s7-9-que).
At different times I have developed the idea about technology. The first one to answer a question from the @ecoTrain community, of how it has influenced our lives.
Influence of technology on a personal level, its impact.
The second post, I developed 24 hours ago and there I express about technology in our minds, family and work.

[Technology in our lives](@mercmarc/ecotrain-qotw-s7-9-que).
At different times I have developed the idea about technology. The first one to answer a question from the @ecoTrain community, of how it has influenced our lives.
Well, I met him through a course that I was doing about three years ago, this online course and through a Technological Foundation for teachers of virtual Education for Latin America...When I got to this module, which took me a bit to follow the instructions to register there and fulfill the assigned task to be able to pass.
Today I come to tell how I met the technology and tool Second Life...this is defined as a 3D virtual reality world, a software with immersive experiences, inspired by the concept of #metaverse, which can be designed by the users, who interact, play, and do business. When I managed to enter, totally surprised, how I moved my avatar to move through different communities and how to get to the one that corresponded to me...communities of games, stores, different languages, I spent almost a week to achieve the goal. I, as a teacher asked myself: - What academic goal can I achieve with this? An extremely big challenge..
It is a virtual reality, which is overtaking us and the youngest are doing very well in it...they should be motivated to complete the tasks to achieve the objective of the subject at that moment. A teacher who uses this tool must be well advised to be able to respond to everything that may be presented to the students as it happened to those of us who at that time played the role of students, I remember that I said, when they contacted me for guidance, oh and I thought I was lost and others were more lost than me.
It is an Internet generation, that maybe we say we are not prepared for this, but there is the other side of reality, access to all these resources requires an economic order, so that every human being can access these technologies. There are questions about how our country, Venezuela, will the common citizen have access to it...with all that surrounds us?


Fuente para apoyar este post.
Baners Fuente
Logos cortesía de:
@sound1music y @mayvileros

Baners Fuente
Logos cortesía de:
@sound1music y @mayvileros

Excelente publicación me gusto mucho, y es como dices la tecnología esta súper avanzada y ha ido evolucionando cada vez mas, saludos.
Si, más bien asusta...que dependamos en muchas cosas de tener que conectarnos para poder resolver algo, ya no es solo para actividades bancarias o buscar información en ministerios...sino va más allá...y yo me pregunto, con más herramientas que desarrollan cada día ¿podré con eso? mejor no darles vueltas para no angustiarse.
Saludos y gracias por tú comentario.
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Gracias @music1sound