Coding Town by Script Academy is a brilliant free online game. It has a Minecraft look to it, however, the main object of the game is to make money by building stores (lemonade, coffee, ice cream, etc).
When other characters in the game pass your stores, you money increases.
You can also get helpers and program them to do some of the repetitive tasks.
Link to game:
Before you can build, you need to have diamonds. The best way to get diamonds is to add a lemonade stand and sell lemons. When you start the game, follow the tutorial to get the best out of the game.
- Add Objects : Lemonade Stall
- Buy Lemons from the lemon trader
- Add a helper to help you buy lemons
- Program the 3D helper so that he moves forward when up arrow is pressed
Use keys A, W, S and D to move around
Mouse to rotate
Space to Jump
Double space to fly
Left click on mouse destory a block
Right click on mouse to add a block.
B for build materials
E to open dashboard
Add a Helper to Buy Lemons
Go to the lemon trader bunny and add a helper.
Script the following code
How to get a helper and control it
- Press B to go to build mode
- Choose any helper
- Use the mouse to left click on your helper
- Script the code below
- Press apply
I hope you find this useful. My students love this game.
This looks interesting. Is the programming scratch? I would be interested in learning more about this.