Online Education \\ How to make it more Effective? \\ Experience Sharing

in Education4 years ago (edited)

The world is going online. In this pandemic, without the online education system, we may go backward. So online education needs to be recognized more for its positive



Yes, there's a but and we all know that.

How effective it is?

From my understanding, students who know what output they are trying to get from online education will get the full benefit from it. If I talk about University or college students, we can relate better. But for the primary level students or even pre-school going kids, they don't understand the output nor do they know why they have to.

In these cases, the effectiveness is down to zero.

I have seen many students drop out even they have all the accessibility to online education. Because they lost interest, they can't keep up with it anymore, they are not getting any benefits. I know many parents, who have to take their kids on leave from this educational system because it seems less effective to them and doing homeschooling.

So what are the missing points?

  • Communication skills sure play a big role here.

I am in an online course for professional reasons. The communication skill of the educator makes me frustrated sometimes.

I wouldn't give them the sole responsibility. It's a tough job, I know.

We need to train the educator, ensure some rules from the students so that it can become more effective.

  • Group work.

This can be more effective than just teaching online. Because in offline, students can communicate and be in the education system and can get more benefit of it.

Also, it will help to ensure proper engagement in the study.

  • We need to be as responsible as the educator.

Parents, students should follow some strict rules and concern about the whole system. Because only the educator can't ensure the effectiveness.


We all know that it's not sooner we are going back to normal. School, college, university terms/ norms are changing and will change more. That's why it's the best time we become more concerned about what we are learning, teaching to our future generation.

Millions of students are already in an unstable position in terms of education. In many countries, the education system got messed up. If we can ensure the very basics, I hope we can at least save our kids. Grad students are in a good position compared to primary education. I know, kids need a proper environment, socialization for their learning. As long as we can't ensure that, we should ensure the effectiveness of online education.

I believe proper rules and regulations, our positive intentions, and responsible acts can make this educational system better working.

What do you think?
