There is no doubt about the great diversity of thought of the human being, and each of their ways of wanting to learn and the way they do it, I think that when some of our students possess the quality of curiosity we notice how they are more passionate about obtaining certain knowledge than others who do not possess it, curiosity allows us to show constant interest in any learning.
We can find students who may have some weaknesses in their educational performance such as clarity in their reading, ability to develop mathematical approaches, as in other areas, but nevertheless, they possess the essential characteristic of curiosity which allows them, despite the weaknesses mentioned above, to be attentive to want to learn and thus also improve their weaknesses.
I think that we all carry the seed of curiosity within us, some with greater or lesser capacity than others, the truth is that it elevates our interest to know, and this without having special or outstanding talents, for example great historical figures of humanity as the renowned German physicist Albert Einstein declared himself passionately curious beyond possessing any special talent, and we know the great contributions that this scientific genius left us.
Many things have been written about curiosity, but from the educational field I think it is a remarkable constituent link in the long chain of the proper educational development of our students, a student with curiosity will always be ready to research, and thus, to the deepening of certain knowledge that has generated great interest to know about any aspect that surrounds them, and we know that around us there are plenty of reasons to ignite the spark of curiosity in them, we just have to make them keep that spark lit to become a flame of permanent knowledge.
Human curiosity has given us the ability to analyze the absurd and thus we have achieved what at first we thought impossible to do, that is why undoubtedly curiosity increases the passion for knowledge of our students and it is something that in our case as teachers we must be very committed to let this essential characteristic of our students flow.
Until another opportunity my dear readers.
La curiosidad para indagar y conocer cosas es una capacidad innata en el ser humano y el medio educativo debería ser propicio para estimularla. La exploración activa del medio ambiente es una de las actividades que rigen la infancia, y como apuntas en tu post, hay que ayudar a mantener la chispa activa para que las ganas de aprender y conocer no tengan final.@rbalzan
Gracias por compartir.
Hola @sandracabrera.
Excelentes cada una de las palabras que nos compartes en tu comentario, es muy cierto lo que nos comentas:
Así es amiga y lo importante es alimentar esa chispa de la curiosidad de los educandos ya que como se ha expresado les permitirá estar más atentos a cualquier aprendizaje. Saludos y muchas gracias por tus valiosas palabras.
Thank you for your valuable support. Best regards.