Undoubtedly we are clear that technological advances have been continuous, and also, have allowed us the scope of evolution that shows humanity today, but this fact has not been curdled taking a passive attitude, on the contrary, maintaining a pace of obtaining knowledge permanently, and thus we have been able to go correcting on the fly any weakness or failure of the analysis of any phenomenon under study, and as we know of great impact for all of us.
As a university educator it is important that we can keep up with the acquisition of new techniques or methodology both for our own learning, and thus, for our learners, that is, if we do it as educators, we can transmit such an important habit of continuous learning directly to the students, making them understand beyond the simple fact of learning to get out of the way and fulfill their particular momentary task.
When, as human beings, we interpret the complexity of the space-time that surrounds us, we undoubtedly understand our fundamental role in the preservation of the essential balance of our precious ecosystem, and for this, we must obtain the best possible information, and this is achieved through continuous learning, which is why it is important to make our students understand this habit and, above all, to value any living species around us.

Actually, any person could express that the human being possesses by his own or intrinsic nature the valuable aspect of continuous learning, for example; generally before we can walk we first begin to crawl and after walking we can run and even fly, therefore, the above described involves our existence in all aspects, however, we could ask ourselves what happens when we have already achieved to materialize those basic knowledge as the example mentioned above, we should stop in our eagerness to continue learning?
Of course not, that is why over time we continue to implement such a fundamental habit of continuous learning, because if we as individuals really want to fit into the present modernity which is updated every day at great speed and which we can only achieve through the implementation of lifelong learning to the extent of our possibilities and capabilities, and also focused primarily in the professional field of our preference.
The whole educational field represents in itself the best example of continuous learning and it will always be this way since we can instill it in all our students in order to cultivate in them the essential habit of continuous or permanent learning, this if they really want to go in search of any success, and all this as it has been expressed in any area of our wonderful existence.
Until another opportunity my dear readers.
Thank you @edu-venezuela community for your valuable support. Regards.
Greetings @rbalzan79, certainly maintain a constant learning makes our brain has the ability to absorb more elements associated with learning and more when you are a child.