Our civilized behavior as rational beings is largely due to our second home as our educational spaces, from there we go with all the necessary tools to face our life in the best way in every way, so much so that in many occasions there are people who get in these educational spaces both their tranquility and emotional security that they can not get in their homes.
We know that knowledge undoubtedly gives us freedom, but do we know how to use it?
The strengthening of our values will undoubtedly give us the option of knowing how to manage the libertar that we obtain as we prepare ourselves academically, of course, each person will do it according to the way he/she understands the information provided and to the extent that he/she puts it into practice, if something has been able to grasp the field of education is that it must be changing to adapt to all the ethical changes we go through in this current modernity.
The scientific-technological advances are the order of the day, and this has made some values have been replaced by others at great speed and sometimes we find it difficult to differentiate what is really good and bad for us or for our children, we can only wait for the development of events and go adapting to these accelerated changes of which the field of education also feeds and this allows you to understand that these changes to know how to implement them bring us their great advantages.
When we talk about freedom we refer to all that bandwidth that human beings have within the societies established according to normal and principles that make us live together in the best possible way, however, if we are not clear about the interpretation of the word freedom we can cause an imbalance in our coexistence, this interpretation in a certain way is particularized and it is here that we can become our own predators in the name of freedom.
When we are clear that one of the best values of freedom is respect for the other we can understand the broad meaning of freedom, there are many sides that surround us and each of them intend to assume their conceptualization of freedom, it is here the enormous role of education because through it we can globalize the term, therefore education in values is and will always be the way to have the best interpretation of freedom.
Freedom gives us the great power to choose in any space-time where we are, but we must be clear that this merits an enormous responsibility, especially when beyond our lives we can influence the lives of our fellow men.
Until another opportunity my dear friends.
Thank you for your valuable support. Best regards.
The role of education can not be downplay and the knowledge we received from knowledge can not be denied. Without knowledge, freedom is impossible
Excellent words that you have shared with us, thank you for such a valuable contribution. Greetings.
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Thank you dear community for your valuable support. Best regards.