in Education4 years ago (edited)

Taking these words from the Spanish philosopher and pedagogue José Antonio Marina "today's parents are afraid to educate" today I dedicate my reflection about the great uncertainty that parents currently have about the education of their children, that is, how to educate before a system of things that make parental voice impossible?

Traditionally, parents were closer to their children where their role made a difference due to the leadership functions they fulfilled within the family and despite the fact that there were many prejudices, their training was aimed at saving values that over time the change of culture and influence technology gradually disappeared but it is still possible to rescue

Faced with these circumstances, parents present an attitude that feels nothing but disinterest and indifference and do not worry about doing or solving anything because of the same indifference that they see in the current system and this is certainly one of the most serious errors that present parents since it is a limitation that puts their children's education into question and feel insecure and afraid of failing to be a better parent.



It is certainly notorious that education is not in its best moments and given the uncertainty of everything that has been happening worldwide with respect to the pandemic coupled with the social political economic crisis that has intensified, parents are absent and disoriented in As for what the education of their children will be in the future, but in the meantime, what can parents do in such a situation?

I think it is convenient to say that one of the great challenges that the family and especially parents have is their role as parents at this time because many of them feel pressured by current trends and do not know how to handle the situation of their children as far as education is concerned.

Let us remember that education first comes from the home and is intended to promote and develop the intellectual, moral and affective capacity of people in accordance with the culture and the norms of coexistence of the society to which they belong.

In this sense, it is pertinent to understand that it is parents who have the responsibility of educating their children and making decisions that favor their intellectual, moral and physical development even in the midst of pressures from systems that unfortunately influence their lifestyle but that in no way In this way we can leave our responsibility to third parties even knowing that this system of things that are imposed and influence in an interesting way on our children can take control of their actions.

It is evident that today technology has gained an advantage in this situation, but parents must also act intelligently so as not to let our boys be robots of a system of things that are available resources and important for the current time but that do not give the necessary training. nor adequate intelligence to manage their emotions, since a computer cannot be the effective instrument for children to make correct decisions and choose their goals and balance their emotions.



Children need parents willing and risky to challenge the current system if possible in order to correctly manage the emotions of their children at the correct time, a task that is the sole and exclusive responsibility of parents in their first years of life, who will guide and prepare the path that will take them to school, where the teacher will take a formative orientation attitude where he will reinforce what they bring from home

The most important thing we have is the family and the children are the fundamental pillar of parents and society because it depends on the education we give them, they will be able to face life firmly and safely

In this regard, José Antonio Marina says t this:
"Children only need three things: tenderness, affection and limits, only three things to grow up happy and healthy in every way"



In this sense, I deduce that these three things attached to communication are relevant in the first years of children's lives because they themselves are love and tenderness and need the tenderness of their parents since receiving it also implies receiving respect, recognition and the affection expressed in the caress, in the subtle detail, in the unexpected gift, in the knowing look or in the embrace given and sincere. Thanks to tenderness, affective relationships create the roots of bond, respect, consideration and true love

It is also important to emphasize that parents should not feel insecure for the sake of our children when making decisions for their upbringing since every child needs limits because each family has to establish its own rules. Limits provide security for the child to face the world. ... Through the rules the child learns what is allowed, and what is not, and for this it is necessary to say “no” on occasions, and to maintain it whenever necessary.

If we want to have safe children with a balanced self-esteem
We must transmit that security to our children as parents, although we are currently facing this system of life that influences their formation and we find ourselves with limitations that may hinder our direction as parents, we must establish the foundations at an early age that will promote the development and the social and collective well-being of each one of them.

Let us educate our children despite the limitations for a promising future and balanced for they will be the future of a brilliant generation

Reference: teacher's website



Its not just being afraid of educating their children. Those guys don't have time for their kids. Their job takes over the valuable time they could have spent with their children.
Thanks for sharing.

Certainly insecurity in some parents can be an effect of not being present when necessary, but it is a matter for reflection and action, as it is never too late to start. Thanks for your comment friend