I personally think that education is not only the obligation of every child or just getting good grades in order to be successful in the future (although success is not seen from school grades).
Education is a kind of guide for ourselves, education is not only from school education, where education comes from various kinds. For example, education from parents, usually when young parents provide education such as having to maintain cleanliness, polite attitude to others, polite way of speaking, that includes education from parents which is given to be a guide for us to be set as a habit until we mature. , then for example again association, I think this association includes education from the surrounding environment, especially the friends we choose to hang out with us, in this association teaches us more good things, good things or maybe bad things that can be ours .
friends can plunge us into these bad deeds and therefore we must be able to choose good associations so that they become our guide to getting good general knowledge as well.
So, basically the meaning of education is more than just knowledge from school that guides us to be able to get a career in the future, but education is also our guide that we have done since childhood to determine who we are for the present and the future. and not only learning science but also knowledge about etiquette, language, knowledge in choosing a good relationship, in my opinion, that also includes education which is no less important than education at school.
But after all, the two educations we learn both from school and outside of school are very important. So if you can become a person who is highly educated in lessons and attitudes, it will be very easy to get along and be accepted by any community.