There are educational needs that can be covered with an education that includes everyone equally, while this can guarantee an education whose teaching is of quality. Educational attention must be a priority issue that covers a great diversity of people in all social classes and who have any need.
Erroneously there was the conviction that there had to be special schools, in which education could be given to students who due to their special condition could not be attended in traditional or ordinary schools, from my point of view these children can be attended under another approach, schools should be seen as schools to attend students with special educational needs, since it is not their condition the protagonist in this case, but that all human beings have diverse needs, so I consider it correct to be treated as a special educational need.
If we can understand all this social educational phenomenon as an opportunity to attend students who have some needs whose circumstances go to the background where it is convenient to apply a plan whose learning process has to be dynamic and interactive.
The evolutionary idea in this transition process must understand that regular schools must attend to these needs, so that children with special needs can be integrated with other children, always taking into account that it is the school with regular characteristics that must adapt to the needs of special children and not the other way around, the fact that they can be attended in a regular school is so that there is a universal integration where no type of discrimination is brought out. The other thing to take into account is that the preparation for the ordinary teacher must have a preparation to be able to attend to these educational needs.
In conclusion, we have that this integration of students with special needs in regular schools seeks that children with special educational needs to integrate and interact with ordinary children can develop more and better intellectual and cognitive abilities.
Hi @sandracarrascal, I agree with your words, education is a fundamental part in the life of the human being as it makes us have a proper understanding of everything around us. Greetings.
Hi friend @rbalzan79, thank you very much for reading and commenting, regards.
Making provisions for the integration of special need student is very important, I really like this. But where I am from this is a big challenge and children with special needs are left out mainly because of poor funding to basic education system by the government. I just hope it gets better for all special needs kids around the world ❤️.
Hello @myles22. We hope my friend, that this situation will improve for them. Greetings and thanks for commenting.