Education is the main key for a rural person to excel in global competition. Education is taken into account because it is the most strategic field to understand national welfare. Human Resources who are intelligent and with character are prerequisites for the formation of a high civilization. Conversely, low Human Resources will lead to a less good civilization as well. Education standards in Indonesia are not much different from other developing countries. Although there are some points left behind, it does not mean that education in this archipelagic country is not good.

When compared to other countries, determining the Indonesian curriculum is not easy. The reason, the government must make the simplest plan in dealing with thousands of diversity. Apart from being separated by the sea, Indonesia also has a different cultural style, heterogeneous religion, varied livelihoods, and alternative ways of life. However, with the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum national curriculum, teachers are given broader steps to maneuver.

Indonesia has a transparent education system. This means that students and parents are given the freedom to access. Teachers and students have the right to know their learning outcomes and also have the right to know information related to learning. In Indonesia, the curriculum is indeed regulated by the center through the involvement of curriculum experts and practitioners. So the curriculum is not only compiled by experts but also practitioners (teachers) involved. For example, in making the 2013 curriculum book, there are teachers who are involved in it through certain selections. The teachers listed in the 2013 curriculum book have gone through a long selection. This means that the government has paid attention to the parties involved in learning planning.