What does it mean to be a good teacher?

in Education3 years ago

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Teaching is not a career for everyone. Working with kids daily and helping to mold them into successful human beings takes time and energy. Teaching takes a type of commitment that few people can comprehend. Many people are born to be teachers and everything just comes to them naturally. Some learn to become great teachers and then there are plenty of teachers that will never be remembered.

To be a good teacher means that you have to commit yourself to the career and to spend every second available improving yourself so you can be a better teacher.

What does a great teacher do?

  • A great teacher sets high goals for all their students. This includes the underachievers.
  • A great teacher explains the learning process to his/her students and they need to know exactly what they get marks for.
  • A great teacher is organized and always prepared.
  • A great teacher has strong relationships with students and lets them know that they are important.
  • A good teacher tries to engage the whole class and keeps encouraging the shy children.
  • A good teacher doesn't allow a few students to dominate the whole class.
  • A good teacher motivates the learners continuously.
  • A good teacher knows what he/she s talking about. They know their stuff! Kids ask many questions and a good teacher is prepared for anything.
  • Great teachers communicate with parents and if he/she picks up a problem with a child, the parents are called to get involved. It is after all their own child.
  • A good teacher NEVER leaves anyone behind. A good teacher will recognize problems and will do everything in their power to ensure that everyone gets to the other side.

The question that we ask today is:

Are you just a teacher or are you a GOOD teacher?

Think a little bit about how you can improve yourself as a person so you can be a better teacher.

Have a lovely week!


I teach chess to kids almost everyday and I have encountered various set of kids in my 6 years experience . At first I must admit, it was difficult to cope as sometimes I get very frustrated if my efforts are in vain. I sometimes try different ways but some children don't get it,or they take too much time to understand. On the contrary, I have raised great chess players too but I can't still say am a great teacher yet! Maybe when i stop complaining, I only teach because of my passion for the game of CHESS and because I know the benefits as I also learnt it when I was 10.

To be a good teacher means that you have to commit yourself to the career and to spend every second available improving yourself so you can be a better teacher.

This is well spot on! Great post! I was go around hive and I found this community! I love it.

Very nice subject to dea,l with i think teaching is very important job that have a human being.

As a current student, the definition of a good teacher would be one that encourages instead of humiliates students. Everyone has a different aspect in life where he/she is excellent at, and just because that particular student is not excellent in school does not mean that they are worthy of being humiliated. I can see this a lot in my previous teachers and it's really heart-breaking.