Stories for kids 1: Trixie the brave.

in Education3 years ago

Trixie was a happy yorkie living with her owners as a lap dog. It never bothered her to be treated as a pampered pet but she wouldn't mind showing her owners she's more than just a pampered pooch. What hurt her the most was Duke, the Doberman, who lived outside.


He constantly teased her about being a lap dog and calling her a princess every time she went outside for some fresh air and to stretch her legs. “Hey tiny princess” Duke would tease her “go back inside”, its far to dangerous for a lap dog like yourself to be outside. The grass might hurt your tiny paws.” He teased her, laughing at his own joke. Trixie scoffed, “I'll show you one day Duke I'm just as brave as you are. I can also protect the family “Duke laughed“ you tiny tot I don't think so. It takes a big dog like me to protect the family. You are just a lap dog.” “I am not” Trixie shouted as she went back into the house through the doggie door.


Every day Duke teased her and every day she would get upset. Until one night a few weeks later Trixie just couldn't sleep, so she decided to get some fresh air despite Duke teasing her. So she needed the fresh air and starlight sky. Maybe if I sneak our real quiet, Duke won't notice she thought. So gingerly she went through the doggie door into the cold fresh air. “Much better” she thought to herself, then listening to hear if Duke heard her or not. Snoring, that’s odd, she thought, Duke never sleeps that deep. She brushed it off and continued to walk deeper into the garden to where the pond was.
It was nice and cool, just what she needed. Still odd, though she thought Duke never misses a beat and unless she learned to be extra quiet he always heard her as she moves in and out through the doggie door. Still in thought, Trixie suddenly heard voices coming from the fence. She carefully moved closer to where the voices came from. Then saw them, two men, criminals, busy breaking into the garage. “Are you sure the dog is sleeping” the one asked the other. “Yes I gave him the steak and sleeping pills. He ate it all”. He answered back. So that’s what they did Trixie thought. Keeping out off sight, she sneaked back to Duke, hoping to wake the big guy up to protect them. As she reached his dog house she tried all she could but Duke didn't wake up. What to do….


What to do she thought then it struck her she has to protect the family, now even if she is tiny and insignificant, She just had to try. She ran back into the house, straight into the owners bedroom and started barking so frantically that they woke up immediately, worried about why their little dog was barking so crazy. “What's wrong girl” the man asked still half asleep. Trixie realized she needs to be more frantic so she ran up to him barking, then ran to the window facing the garage barking. The man got up and looked outside the window through the curtains. He saw the two figures at the garage. “Honey we have to call the police” he said as he went to the phone calling them.

Moments later the police arrived and caught the two just as they entered the garage. Puzzled they asked the police man that led them to the police car. “The dog is still sleeping, who woke up the owners?” When another policeman replied: “that little doggie there is the hero”. He pointed at Trixie as she and her owners watched the policemen taking them away. The two baddies was shocked that a small little doggie like herself made such a big difference.
From that day on Duke never teased her again. He saw there was more to her than just her size. Trixie was so happy she and Duke became friends that day and she realized that it's okay if people don't know what you're capable of doing. It’s a chance to prove yourself that you can do things if you really really, try.

Thank you reading, hoped you enjoyed it.


Story my own.


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Thank you for the welcome and the usefull tips. Much apreciated. I will forsure tag you in my introduce myself post which will follow

Lovely story line, and welcome to Hive. Please be sure to give credit to where photography is sourced.

Some quick reads to help you on your way How To Avoid Plagiarism on Hive

and Useful fun learning Beginners Guide

Ha ha, small dogs give warning, big dogs take up the chase normally, live in South Africa always a good story to share of brave furry friends.