Campus and Humanitarian Institutions Cooperate

in Education4 years ago

Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) in the North Sumatra region (Sumbagut) signed a collaboration with Universitas Malikussaleh, Friday (16/4/2021) at the Rectorate Building, Bukit Indah Campus, Lhokseumawe, Aceh.

The signing of the collaboration was carried out by the Head of ACT of North Sumatra, Husaini Ismail and the Chancellor of Universitas Malikussaleh, Dr. Herman Fithra Asean Eng, witnessed by ACT, Head of ACT Lhokseumawe Branch, Thariq Farline, Rizki Johansyah, and Marketing Communication, Muhammad Alfian.

From Universitas Malikussaleh it was witnessed by, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Julimursyida PhD, Vice Rector for General Administration and Finance, Dr. Mukhlis, Vice-Rector for Cooperation, Dr. Azhari, Assistant Rector for Student Affairs, Dr. Baidhawi, All institutional units and Deans in the Universitas Malikussaleh.

The Chancellor of Universitas Malikussaleh, Dr. Herman Fithra Asean Eng welcomed the signing of the cooperation, especially since currently there are students who are volunteering for humanitarian work in a number of disaster locations in Indonesia.

"Last month Universitas Malikussaleh has dispatched 10 students to become humanitarian volunteers in Majene, West Sulawesi. Hopefully with this collaboration students can learn about social conditions in society," he said.

According to him, Universitas Malikussaleh currently has more than 20 thousand students who are divided into four Universitas Malikussaleh campuses, namely the Bukit Indah Campus, the Lancang Garam Postgraduate Campus, the Uteunkot Cunda Campus, Lhokseumawe and the main campus located in Reuleut Timu, Aceh Utara and the nursing campus in Sigli.

"Hopefully we pray that later we have a campus in the southwestern region of Aceh as a center for research, service, and future research. Then in carrying out the concept of an independent learning campus, we have made a lot of cooperation, one of the KMMB concepts is how students work. this can be a humanitarian volunteer,” he explained.

Head of ACT West Sumatra, Husaini Ismail said it was an honor to be able to collaborate with Universitas Malikussaleh. ACT is a global humanitarian organization based on generosity and volunteerism from the global community to create a better world civilization. One of the missions is to organize and manage all potentials of global volunteerism as social capital to overcome various humanitarian problems at local, national, regional and global scales.

"Alhamdulillah, today an MOU has been signed with Universitas Malikussaleh. This MOU includes humanitarian work for volunteerism, productive waqf, and other humanitarian cooperation," he said.

Husaini hopes that, with this MOU cooperation, in the future the characteristics of humanitarian activities can be more synergistic between Universitas Malikussaleh and ACT.
Because humanitarian programs also do not only talk about disasters but maximize humanitarian program activities to help the community.

"We know that there are still many social disasters around us, such as poverty and others. We hope that Universitas Malikussaleh students can become social activists later by joining ACT," he concluded.[]