Information Technology and the Spirit of Change

in Education4 years ago

Aceh is a province in western Indonesia. Located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra with the nickname as the city of Serambi Mekkah. Talking about Aceh Province, it must have crossed our minds about its culture which is very distinctive and very thick with the customs of Aceh in the past, different from now.

The peak of glory during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda is proof that Aceh was highly praised by the world (1606-1636 AD), especially in the field of education. Aceh is one of the centers for the development of science in Southeast Asia. So that many foreign nationals study in Aceh, especially Malaysia.

It is as if we are complacent about past glories that make us forget ourselves. In today's conditions, Acehnese students studying in Malaysia. Are we aware that education in Aceh is very far behind other provinces in Indonesia?

Lowest test result

This was revealed by the Higher Education Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT) which released the results of the 2020 State Higher Education Entrance Joint Selection Written Test (UTBK SBMPTN) which explained that Aceh Province was in the lowest position at the national level.

The report describes the average assessment of the Scholastic Potential Test (TPS) of school students from all provinces in Indonesia who take the SBMPTN UTBK. This ability includes four assessments, namely general reasoning, reading and writing comprehension, general knowledge and understanding, and quantitative knowledge.

Aceh's education today is ranked 27th out of 34 provinces in Indonesia. This happened because of the low quality of teachers which resulted in the weak quality of education in Aceh. Various efforts have been made by the government so that the quality of teachers in Aceh is equal to those in other provinces. Such as the implementation of the Teacher Competency Test (UKG). Has it been effective? Can it be resolved by holding UKG education problems in Aceh?

It's not that easy, the implementation of UKG is very helpful, but there are many other factors that have contributed to the low level of education in Aceh. These factors include the lack of self-awareness of students to hone their abilities in order to get the goals or ideals that are achieved.

In addition, support and motivation from parents are the factors. Why is that? Because parents play an important role at home to provide encouragement, motivation, advice, or direction for children to have a strong desire to learn so that the expected goals can be achieved.

That way high school students are expected to develop and form positive, creative, innovative, and one step forward characters. Great and intelligent students will continue to explore and seek knowledge from various sources. Not only from books but also from electronic media.

In today's digital era, knowledge can be sought anywhere, anytime. There are many positive things that we can get from electronic media. For example, paying attention to instructional shows or videos so that it supports the learning process at school. During the current pandemic, all schools are implementing online learning. All students are encouraged to study at home. The teacher's hope is that students can be clever, wise, and creative in utilizing electronic media, one of which is gadgets.

Online learning should be easier and more comfortable because the learning method can be done by relaxing at home. But all of that did not go as expected because many students neglected the assignment given by the teacher.

Online learning methods that were originally expected to be an alternative to learning during a pandemic can actually cause the quality of learning to decline from before. Therefore, support and cooperation from all levels of society are needed in order to advance education in Aceh in the future.

Joint responsibility

The progress of education in Aceh is not only the task of the government, the task of teachers, the task of schools. However, it is our duty together as children of the nation. Come on, students, give their best so that we can advance the nation. A developed and prosperous nation begins with us. From now on, try to care about education. Be a student with character, achievement, and pride.

Appreciating teachers is one of the keys to getting blessings and convenience. As well as providing fluency for use in studying. In order for the learning to be enjoyable, we can read one of the books entitled "Becoming the Best School" published by the Tanoto Foundation in 2014. This book is written based on the research conducted by the author which contains useful information and tips in the learning process.

Everyone can participate in advancing education. The state is obliged to provide quality basic education for its citizens. But all return to each of us. If we want to implement improvements and changes everything will be realized.

Hopefully, this article can be useful and inspire us all. We hope that education in Aceh will be better soon.***