TAKEN from journal.unissula.ac.id, literacy can be understood as a person's ability to read and write. Mastery of literacy is an important indicator to improve the achievements of the younger generation in achieving success. Cultivating literacy as early as possible must be realized because it is the main asset to create an intelligent and cultured nation. The problem faced by Indonesia is the low level of literacy as proven by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) survey.
Literacy can be a medium for preventing sexual violence. Currently, the trend of victims of sexual harassment is increasingly rampant. Not only adults but cases of sexual harassment have entered among adolescents and even young children. The range of sexual harassment is very broad, including flirting, naughty whistling, comments with sex or gender connotations, pornographic humor, pinching, poking, clapping or touching certain body parts, certain gestures or gestures of a sexual nature, invitations to date with the lure of the lure or threat, the invitation to have sex to rape.
Cultivating the concept of literacy can be cultivated by collaborating with the habits of the community in general, especially the younger generation, enjoying the natural atmosphere. One of the locations that are often used is the coast. Right on the beach at Ujong Blang, Lhokseumawe City, there is a literacy cafe that provides a place to relax as well as replenish brain ammunition. This is certainly very helpful in cultivating a literacy culture that is now being ignored less and less.
Based on the Regional Development Information System (SIPD) of Lhokseumawe City 2018, the number of child victims of sexual violence was recorded at 9 people. Meanwhile, in 2019 Lhoksuemawe City ranks third in the number of child sexual violence in Aceh Province. Meanwhile, in 2020, cases of child sexual abuse will increase by 33 percent from the previous year.
Literacy culture
The survey shows that Indonesia is in the 60th position out of 61 countries in terms of literacy control. In fact, the culture of literacy is useful in realizing the role of the younger generation in aspects of national development. The younger generation has superior personalities and is able to understand knowledge and technology to compete locally and globally. Literacy skills also greatly affect reasoning and competence. So that students must be equipped with a love for literacy from an early age.
Literacy also greatly affects children's development. The Asean Economic Community (MEA) is the actualization of the superior generation. To be able to compete with other countries, the younger generation must have the skills needed by improving the quality of human resources. Quality of human resources means the willingness with the individual's ability to absorb knowledge which is then developed and implemented. One simple but important step is to instill the importance of literacy for the younger generation.
Literacy can provide benefits in the form of broad insights. Through media literacy coupled with good parenting, it will help reduce the number of cases of abuse in adolescents and minors.
Based on the results of research on the relationship between media literacy in anticipation of sexual harassment in children and adolescents, it is found that the majority of parents' media literacy is in the high category, namely, 51 percent and 53.39 percent of respondents are able to anticipate sexual harassment that occurs to her, namely by limiting the use of mass media such as the internet, gadgets, TV and so on.
Deputy for child protection at the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (Kemen PPPA), Nahar, said that since January 13, 2020 there have been 4,116 cases of violence against children. "Of this number (4,116 cases), the highest number is the number of victims of sexual violence," said Nahar in a webinar entitled "Accelerating Development of PATBM during the Covid-19 Pandemic Phase II", Monday (24/8/2020).
This condition must receive special attention from various circles. Starting from parents at home, education staff at schools, ustaz, and ustazah at Islamic boarding schools, lecturers at universities, and holders of positions in various work fields. All of this must coordinate with each other if you are to be really serious about overcoming this increasingly tangled problem.
The educational trilogy released by Aristotle is that the success of education is influenced by three elements, namely household, school, and society. Home education is the basis for laying the foundation that has been programmed, implemented, and used as a guide to creating a strong young generation figure. Strong spiritually, as well as strong in science.
Spiritually strong, it has been going on since the mother's womb for more than 9 months. Since birth, the baby begins to be given insights into religious knowledge, by teaching him to say bismillahirrahmanirrahiim when he is about to breastfeed. This process was repeated over the years. In addition to instilling religious values, parents also provide a basis for writing and reading as provisions when entering the realm of formal education.
In addition to continuing religious values in schools, various disciplines are provided as early as possible. The process of transferring knowledge doesn't stop there. The foundation of knowledge provided by the teacher must be applicable in skills. Skills in writing, creating, researching, and so on. This means that here, science is not static, but it must be applicable anywhere, anytime, and for various needs. The process of planting the concept of literacy will be able to create superior seeds for an independent, creative, disciplined, innovative, and various other character generation.
As Aristotle said, in addition to education at home and school, to forge and make quality resources, a child needs to be forged and gain knowledge in the midst of social life. We know that various positive and negative phenomena will appear in the environment.
When providing religious knowledge at home, knowledge, and skills at school, it can become an asset to overcome negative things that occur and develop in society. This filtering process will always run in the middle of the journey of life in the community. The most difficult thing is to filter literacy activities through the world of social media.
From the description above, a common thread can be drawn that the application of the concept of technological literacy can be a medium to anticipate crime. The application of the Education Trilogy in a child's life can form a character as early as possible so that they grow and develop into a mature human who is reliable in spirituality and has good insight into knowledge. This is of course very influential on the prevention of juvenile crime cases because teenagers are equipped with early literacy skills as well as education about the dangers of committing these crimes. []
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