Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia, conducted a selection for prospective new students for the 2021/2022 Academic Year through the achievement pathway, Monday (12/7/2021) at Cut Meutia Hall, Bukit Indah Campus, Lhokseumawe.
The selection team involved in the recruitment of the outstanding student candidates were the Field of Academic Potential and Achievement, Dr. Yusrizal and Prof. M Sayuti. Then Tahfidz and Recitations, Tengku Tasyukur MH, and Tengku Jamaluddin. Next in the field of sports, Dr. Adi Rizka.
The chairman of the selection committee, Dr. Yusrizal said that the selection of prospective students in the achievement path was different from other selection routes, because, for this route, direct interviews would be held after being declared administratively passed. For the achievement path, the selected children are children who have achievements at regional, national, or international levels in sports, Scientific Works (writing and products), OSN (National Science Olympiad), MTQ (Tilawatil Qur'an), and Hafiz Al-Qur'an. Qur'an 5 to 30 juz, which is achieved individually.
"Today there are 38 participants who will be selected through an interview test, and for those who play sports will be tested directly on the football field, there are also participants who will be selected for an online test," he said.
Meanwhile, the Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs, Dr Baidhawi, said that Universitas Malikussalehhad been running for three years in the admissions path for achievement students. From 12 April to 5 July 2021, Universitas Malikussalehhas announced the admission of new students through the 2021/2022 academic year achievement pathway. Furthermore, on 6-7 July 2021, file selection will be carried out.
"The number of participants who registered was 121 people and only 38 people who passed the file selection," he said.
He added, the 38 people had just passed the document stage and did not necessarily pass, and only passed after the participants took today's test both online and in-person according to the portfolio and achievement abilities of each prospective student.
"Graduation will be announced on July 14, 2021, later those who graduate will be fostered again by the student field according to the student's own achievements so that they can take part both at national and international levels," concluded Dr Baidhawi. [tmi]
Peluang Masuk Universitas Melalui Jalur Prestasi
Universitas Malikussalehmelakukan seleksi bagi calon mahasiswa baru untuk Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022 melalui jalur prestasi, Senin (12/7/2021)di Aula Cut Meutia, Kampus Bukit Indah, Lhokseumawe.
Tim seleksi yang dilibatkan dalam rekrutmen calon mahasiswa berprestasi tersebut yaitu, Bidang Potensi Akademik dan Prestasi, Dr Yusrizal dan Prof M Sayuti. Kemudian Bidang Tahfidz dan Tilawah, Teungku Tasyukur MH, dan Teungku Jamaluddin. Selanjutnya Bidang Olahraga, Dr Adi Rizka.
Ketua Panitia seleksi, Dr Yusrizal mengatakan, seleksi calon mahasiswa jalur prestasi berbeda dengan jalur seleksi lainnya, karena untuk jalur ini akan dilaksanakan wawancara langsung setelah dinyatakan lulus administrasi. Untuk jalur prestasi yang di seleksi adalah anak-anak yang memiliki prestasi di tingkat daerah, nasional atau internasional dalam bidang olahraga, Karya Ilmiah (tulisan dan produk), OSN (Olimpiade Sains Nasional), MTQ (Tilawatil Qur’an) dan Hafiz Al-Qur’an 5 sampai 30 juz, yang diraih secara perorangan.
"Hari ini ada 38 peserta yang akan diseleksi melalui tes wawancara, dan bagi yang olahraga akan dites langsung di lapangan bola kaki, ada juga peserta yang akan di seleksi tes melalui daring," katanya.
Sementara, Pembantu Rektor Bidang Kemahasiswaan, Dr Baidhawi menyebutkan Unimal sudah berjalan tiga tahun dalam penerimaan mahasiswa jalur prestasi. Pada 12 April hingga 5 Juli 2021 lalu, Unimal telah mengumumkan penerimaan mahasiswa baru melalui jalur prestasi tahun akademik 2021/2022. Selanjutnya, pada 6-7 Juli 2021 dilakukan seleksi berkas.
"Jumlah peserta yang mendaftar sebanyak 121 orang dan yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi berkas hanya 38 orang," sebutnya.
Tambahnya, 38 orang itu baru lulus tahap dokumen dan belum tentu lulus, dan baru dinyatakan lulus setelah peserta mengikuti tes hari ini baik secara daring maupun langsung sesuai portofolio dan kemampuan prestasi masing-masing calon mahasiswa.
"Kelulusan akan diumumkan pada 14 Juli 2021, nanti bagi yang lulus akan dibina lagi oleh bidang kemahasiswaan menurut prestasi mahasiswa itu sendiri sehingga bisa berkiprah baik ditingkat nasional maupun internasional," tutup Dr Baidhawi.[tmi]
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