Hello friends
It is well known that this type of activity seeks to foster in children the union among classmates, collaboration, communication, commitment, trust and is an important part to develop and improve their social skills, which allows a better relationship with others for their coexistence at school and in their daily lives, as well as to reinforce other values.
Image credit: pixabay.com
Particularly I had not lived this experience with my son who is currently 8 years old and is in third grade, and this week he was assigned his first teamwork. Among the first doubts that arose for the realization of the project was how to reach an agreement with the children and their parents, since at this age parents have a great participation in the development of their activities and thus achieve a good job.
On the other hand, I thought it was important to investigate the benefits that teamwork brings to children and I found some that I want to share in this post.
It is important to highlight that through this activity children can be taught to work in an organized way, which implies establishing moments to meet and talk about the topic, the members that will make up the team, the resources and tools available to carry out the work, as well as defining the plan and strategies to achieve the objectives. It is advisable in the early stages to have the support and guidance of their teachers and parents.
Image credit: pixabay.com
On the other hand, responsibility can be reinforced, since the result of the work will depend on the work done by everyone and does not depend on only one person, so each one must be responsible for developing what is assigned to him/her in prior agreement, study it and commit to the activity and the team.
Another important aspect is that teamwork is an opportunity where children can learn to listen to their peers, each one expressing different opinions, so they must respect them, as well as accept the virtues and qualities of the rest of the team, to be more empathetic, flexible to reach an agreement for the realization of the work.
Teamwork allows them to develop their creativity whose ideas complement each other, expressed in the development of the content, in the selection of the theme, if possible, in the elaboration of sheets, drawings, among others, each one contributing their ideas, seeking to do something different or original.
Image credit: pixabay.com
As we can see, teamwork allows the development of many of the children's abilities, which will help them in their social and professional life, so we must motivate them and support them in their activities, which will bring multiple benefits, it is a new experience that should be taken advantage of.