Challengeeos, a powerful marketing tool.

in ChallengeEOS5 years ago

Challengeeos is super easy to install, no private key, no CPU & RAM to buy, only a 12 character id and a 6 pin password and you get access to the power of the EOS blockchain + a social network.

I see challengeeos as a mix of meetup + twitter. I am sure it will become a powerful marketing tool. You can offer token to your clients so they can try your new product.

It is a Dapp, accessible to the mobile world. You can set up a challenge from any place, at any time. It takes 1 minute.


You can use it as a game for your vacations, to promote your brand or your new product or to meet new crypto friends in your neighborhood.

Adoption of Challengeos should be super fast, let see what this period of confusion will make of this tool. Can you set up new challenge to pick up trashes or reduce carbon emission, yes ! If you use it for business as usual, then it’s only a new Dapp like hundreds of others. It won’t protect you from climatic migrants, waves of heat or hurricanes.

I am going to run for my first challenge: to design an NFT on to promote challengeeos.


Then I will set up my first challenge. Connect to chrisaiki555 on challengeeos if you want to know what it is.

Download from Apple store : For Android :


Challengeeos App ensures that challenges are being created and completed among peer-to-peer and Crypto can be earned easily on the App once challenges are completed. Thank you for sharing bro!

Thanks for Promoting the Challengeeos App !!@chrisaiki Your post has been curated by our team.

Awesome read! 👏👏👏

Thank you