Drop Your Challengeeos App Username And Location To Receive A Challenge From a Fellow Challenge Player

in ChallengeEOS5 years ago (edited)


Challengeeos Community is growing rapidly and I think that Hive users are in love with the app already. An App which can let you earn Crypto rewards while at home especially during the Corona Virus pandemic season will sure be a fun app to make use of. The App can be used to send and receive challenges from users all over the world. If a challenge receiver can be at a given location within the set time, then he/she will unlock a Crypto reward which has been entered by the Challenge sender. The App uses SAND, EETH, SENSE and CHL tokens for payment purposes on the App. CHL is the native currency on the App and is available on Newdex, Okex, Coingecko and Bitsonic exchanges.

The Challenge App is an App I love dearly and will like to see more Hive users get involved with it. Since the App uses a geo-specific and time sensitive model, it therefore means that users can challenge their friends to stay at home to unlock Crypto rewards as a way to curb the deadly Covid19 epidemic. The Challenge App team is based in San Diego, California.

So as a Challengeeos Curator, I am using this medium to connect all our users. I will like all Challenge App users to drop their Challenge usernames and their location so that other users can get to send challenges to them. This is because I want the App to go viral on Hive Blockchain. If you are yet to download the App, do so now and get rewarded for completing tasks at set locations.

HINT: Drop your Challengeeos App username and your current location in the comment section of this post to receive Challenges from fellow players all around the world.


Download App here:)
For Android Users:

For IOS Users:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=challengedac.com.challenge_dac_app https://apps.apple.com/us/app/challengeeos/id1478759780

Buy CHL via @newdex-io: https://newdex.io/trade/challengedac-chl-eos

ChallengeDAC Official Accounts:

Website: https://www.challengedapp.io

Telegram: https://t.me/Challenge_DAC

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/challengedacdapp/

ChallengeDac YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnYWlP_UT6k5EIfuLSD3Spg

Twitter: @ChallengeDac

Discord: https://discord.gg/HHXFfV

Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/ChallengeDac



GREAT picture :D the ANUNAKI thot of the future as BIG as a planet lol

lol..thanks! Challenge App is a Global Blockchain social media platform.

Name - willspatrick
Location - Use Offot, Nwaniba Rd, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

Name -stevenson123

Location - ketu Lagos Nigeria.

I have sent a challenge bro.

Alright thank you.

I will check it out


Challengeeos does not accept my French phone number
Tablet Samsung T510 + Android 9

Sorry @chrisaiki. You will have to wait for the email verification feature coming with the Challenge version 5 in less than a month.

Loction: Saidpur/Nilphamari/Bangladesh@aksaksaksaks

I've sent a challenge. Complete it to unlock crypto reward!