Greetings lovely people😀
Hope we're all having a great time
We are still earning rewards while gaming.
Come along
Now that we've known how to create a challenge, we'd move to understand and also learn together how to take active part in a challenge.
This is the very spicy😋 part of it all which everyone's desire is to win😀😀. Not just winning but also earning juicy rewards.
Pardon me if I may have forgotten if you missed out on our tutorial on how to create a challenge. Do well to check here👇
Then another thing in mind if you've not downloaded the app you're so much missing out.
Why the wait??
Hurry and download here👇
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For iOS Users:
Now time for the challenge participation proper.😀(please you're allowed to smile coz its blessing season)
First: Choose the particular challenge you're interested in.
It isn't just about going into a challenge you must be sure you can perform the task required of you. Example can be seen in the task created by a gamer here👇
Here the task is to share the CMC news at any social media platform. Simple right🤔😋?
Now lets all see how the participants responded and won👇
Brilliant as you can see, to win such a challenge you'll have to share the news and then drop a screenshot image in the comment box.
NOTE You must add a comment under the image so it can send.
Lets all look at another kind of task challenge👇
This is another challenge created by one of our brilliant gamers CHACECHACE21 (@anderson91)👏
The task here is easy and fun as usual, which involves following the ChallengeEos Account on LinkedIn.
Surprised😲 ??
Don't be too surprised that ChallengeDac is more than just a game, there's more to it.
You can see they dropped a screenshot of them following The ChallengeEos Account and also added a comment.
Note To know if you are a winner you will see the winner cup symbol🏆. (Thats how we roll😂😂😀).
I'll welcome your suggestions and contributions please😍
For more information 👇
Subscribe to Challengeeos Community here
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Thank You for your time and lets all have fun gaming while earning rewards😍 and don't forget to always Stay safe.
Much Love❤